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  1. AndroidOS

    Do you cook?

    Do you cook? No, I don't mean getting a ready meal out of the supermarket and putting it in the oven. :P I mean making cakes or things like that. I do, and people say it is good. They like my shepards pie. If I can remeber the recipie I will post it here.
  2. AndroidOS

    Windows 8 beat all

    I've tried the beta, in fact I have it installed on my machine right now, and I don't see how it will work for current, non-touchscreen, desktops. The interface is clearly designed with touch screens in mind. So I feel that it will sell well on tablets, but not for desktops.
  3. AndroidOS

    Windows or IOS or Android

    Android! Although I bet you could tell that from my username. :P I just like all of the ways you can customise the phone. For me iOS doesn't have enough options.
  4. AndroidOS

    Laptop or Desktop

    Desktop for me, I like it because I built it myself, and it is a lot quicker than my laptop. :)
  5. AndroidOS

    Platform you like

    Personally I prefer anything that is software based (not web devlopment). I don't really know why. Unfortunatley I do more web development, because it is easier to get my work shown. :P
  6. AndroidOS

    What Code Editor Do you use?

    If I'm on Windows I'll use Notepad++, or like bcousins, if I'm Ubuntu I'll use Gedit. Both pretty good tolls in my opinion.
  7. AndroidOS


    Hi, I'm AndroidOS. :) First of all I want to apologise if this is short and a bit rubbish, I'm not very good at introductions. You can ask me as many questions as you want at the end, I promise. :P I live in England, and enjoy the interent, computers, programming, technology in general...