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What platform you like to code, Is it PHP, HTML, VB..

I love to do it in HTML, becoz i am comfortable with its usability and coolness.

What about you friends?
Nice to hear that, how long have you been doing it.
Personally I prefer anything that is software based (not web devlopment). I don't really know why. Unfortunatley I do more web development, because it is easier to get my work shown. :p
Hmm , i hope you (AndroidOS) have lot of projects with you.
Tips to get good gas mileage for your Car or Truck.

Tip 1: Make sure your tires are all at the right pressure it makes a difference on your gas mileage. If they are to low it will decrease how many miles to the gallon you will get.

Tip 2: Make sure your oil is changed when needed. I usually only let the car go no more the 2,000 miles over the specified mileage for an oil change. Though keep in mind you even doing that you mileage decreases. Also if you let your car go over 2,000 mile on an oil change you decrease the life of the engine. I use Synthetic Oil I find even though more expensive you get a better jump in gas mileage.

Tip 3: Let the car idle till the engine is warm because believe it or not a car driving on a cold engine does burn more fuel.

Tip 4: Regular maintenance on the car i.e. Spark Plug, SP Wires, Transmission change, Engine cleaning, Antifreeze change. Keeping up with these does make a big difference. You can add quite a bit of mileage if you do these when they are scheduled. As a side note there are special spark plugs that are dual plugs that are good and do add more mileage then regular plugs do.

Tip 5: Keep your Grill this does help also let air in to cool the engine. A dirty grill can prevent this from happening.

Tip 6: Summer time people run the air conditioner in the car for most cars this at least I see it in my car that I burn more fuel running the air. So during summer don't expect great mileage.

Those are all the tips I can think of at the moment. If you have any that you think work please share them here.
Great tips! I didn't know about #3 though. I live where it's warm almost year round so I never really thought about letting it idle to warm up. Makes sense.
Bex said:
Great tips! I didn't know about #3 though. I live where it's warm almost year round so I never really thought about letting it idle to warm up. Makes sense.
I live in Florida so like you it is warm most of the year. Though the engine uses more gas while the engine is still cold because it is working more. It is like waking up in the morning and working stiffness out of your body. It takes a few minutes but after a few minutes you feel better.