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  1. T.C.

    Hello/Goodbye Thread (2018)

  2. T.C.


    Nah, my facial hair is too "patchy" if you will. It would look like a bush that I took a pair of scissors to in certain areas.
  3. T.C.

    Choose Your Poison? (Best Alcoholic Drink)

    Awarding that post "winner", I deemed very appropriate.
  4. T.C.

    Hi there

    Welcome to PF!
  5. T.C.

    Choose Your Poison? (Best Alcoholic Drink)

    I think all "bear" would taste pretty nasty. LOL x'Dx'Dx'D
  6. T.C.

    Solved Wow! This is an old forum.

    One was adopted. LOL
  7. T.C.

    Solved Wow! This is an old forum.

    I was a mid-child. The oldest is 30. And my parents also happened to have 15 kids, so... uh Yeah! LOL
  8. T.C.

    Science4You (Water Science)

    I've never even seen that before.
  9. T.C.

    Solved Wow! This is an old forum.

    I was born in 2000, LOL. Would have been 1999 if I was born a little sooner. And I wouldn't say it is just younger peopleon forums, on other communitities I'm a part of it's half and half I would say.
  10. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    I feel like such a noob. Thanks man.
  11. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    @SeanQuinn87 So do these editors make it so you can add other things.. like a pop up in the vid or something? Like some videos have like random images or pointing arrows pop up, how do I go about that?
  12. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    Hope it's not overly, difficult.
  13. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    Yeah, shortcut.
  14. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    Testing them out now.
  15. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    Yeah, I wil do a few test vids. I gotta buy some equipment for this all, so why not. ;)
  16. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    Thanks, I'll dig into it and check out shortcut. I might drop some cash.
  17. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    What's a good video editor you think?
  18. T.C.

    Solved "Rangers" can, delete/edit posts

    Not sure if this group is supposed to have this ability, but since moved to ranger position, I can delete and/or edit others posts. Is it supposed to be thisbway, I hadn't assumed prior?
  19. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    I'll have to look around. It's gotta be rather complicated so this is gonna have to be a paid job.
  20. T.C.

    Design YouTube logos (???)

    Does anyone know anything about how or where to get, like a starting part for YT, vids? I want like a starting image, that is the same thing for everyone. It's not an image, but a video. Looking for someone to make me one.