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Does anyone know anything about how or where to get, like a starting part for YT, vids? I want like a starting image, that is the same thing for everyone. It's not an image, but a video. Looking for someone to make me one.
I need a decent intro clip and also an outro clip to for all my videos on my channel too. :p If you have a video editor then you can make a short 5 or 6 second video using images, graphics, etc.. then export and save it. Then when you are creating all your other videos for that channel, just weld that short 5/6 second video at the start as your intro, same if you want to make an out, but i recommend your make your outro longer, about 10 to 15 seconds instead of 5/6 for the shorter intro clip. :p

As for buying an intro or outro, then i suppose you could use some of the online marketplace websites such as Fiver, SEOClerks, etc.. and look for sellers with good rep and showing some of their previous work. :P Could also post request threads on forums, including the Requests one on here. :P
I need a decent intro clip and also an outro clip to for all my videos on my channel too. :p If you have a video editor then you can make a short 5 or 6 second video using images, graphics, etc.. then export and save it. Then when you are creating all your other videos for that channel, just weld that short 5/6 second video at the start as your intro, same if you want to make an out, but i recommend your make your outro longer, about 10 to 15 seconds instead of 5/6 for the shorter intro clip. :p

As for buying an intro or outro, then i suppose you could use some of the online marketplace websites such as Fiver, SEOClerks, etc.. and look for sellers with good rep and showing some of their previous work. :p Could also post request threads on forums, including the Requests one on here. :p
I'll have to look around. It's gotta be rather complicated so this is gonna have to be a paid job.
I had the short "Big Sean Face" / "BSF Videos" intro for a while on my channel, you can see it at the start of this video:

Its as simple as they come, but i could have added graphics, images, etc.. to make it better, but i did have a decent video editor at the time and used the old YouTube Editor. :P
Thats the million dollar question lol. :p I have downloaded and tried lots of free ones, as i only upload videos to my YouTube for fun and dont want to pay alot for an editor. :p If you wanting to pay top price, then i guess the Adobe one would be best, cant remember the name of it, and haven't tried it lol. :p As far as free video editing software goes, i am currently using Shortcut which for a free software lets me do alot of things i want and i haven't fully worked everything out in it yet, its free so you should try it and see if you like it. LightWorks is another one i tried, but i didn't really like that one, but you might. :p Windows Move Maker was decent before they discontinued it lol. :p
If your gonna pay cash for one, then be sure to read up on a few different ones and what they can do first before you buy one, but for free ones, just give them a download, make a video with it and see what you think, if its no good, just remove it from your computer and try another. :p
There are some online websites that allow you to render some intro videos and exit videos, but they do come with a price!
If your gonna pay cash for one, then be sure to read up on a few different ones and what they can do first before you buy one, but for free ones, just give them a download, make a video with it and see what you think, if its no good, just remove it from your computer and try another. :p
Testing them out now.
Mine keeps telling me there is an update to be done, but i keep putting off downloading the updated version because im doing other things lol, but as your downloading it just now, you will have the latest version. :P
@SeanQuinn87 So do these editors make it so you can add other things.. like a pop up in the vid or something? Like some videos have like random images or pointing arrows pop up, how do I go about that?
When you have your video clips lined up in the timeline at the bottom of the screen that make up your full video, you can click on each of the video clips, then add filters to them..

shortcut 1.png
shortcut 2.png
shortcut 3.png

You can add text and other things there on top of your videos. :P Im not sure how to over lay 1 video over another yet tho. :P