
  1. SeanQuinn87

    What should an Intro at the start of a Book / Novel be like?

    So at the start of a Novel Book, before Chapter One, what should the opening paragraph / introduction be like / contain? :p How long should it be and how detailed? :P Fictional / Fantasy Genre.
  2. SeanQuinn87

    Are Photos In Novels a "No"?

    Is there any particular reason why you dont get photos / images in novel books?
  3. SeanQuinn87

    Anyone read the Alex Ferguson Autobiography?

    Has anyone here read the Alex Ferguson book / autobiography?
  4. SeanQuinn87

    What the most you would spend on a book?

    What is the highest amount of money that you would be willing to pay for a book? A book such as an Autobiography or a Novel. :P
  5. SeanQuinn87

    Name Your Local Book Store?

    What is the name of the local book store where you buy books from?
  6. SeanQuinn87

    Whats the next book you are going to read?

    What is the name of the next book you are going to read? :P What is it about?
  7. SeanQuinn87

    I Want To Write A Book!

    I have always thought about writing a book, but never even started. I really want to do it though. :P I want to write a made up story. :P Has anyone here ever wrote or attempted to write a book of their own? :P
  8. SeanQuinn87

    I have only ever bought 1 book in my life! (Can You Guess It?)

    So i am not much of book reader, i read alot online, but not actual books. :P Can you guess what the only book i have ever bought is? Reply With Your Guess, THEN Check The Spoiler For The Answer... CLUE: It is a Sports Book!