
  1. nomad

    Online Education

    I have attended a lot of short term courses and diplomas online. However, I have not attended any kind of university program online. What are your thoughts on online education. When I say online education, I don't mean courses on Udemy but attending degree courses online. Have you attended any...
  2. nomad

    Do You Really Need a Formal Education

    In the times when people can make a lot of money through lip syncing and dancing on Tiktok and Reels and can make a lot of money investing and trading meme crypto coins, do you really think that people still need a formal education to become successful in life. Do people still need to go to...
  3. Baw$e

    What's your highest level of education?

    For me, I dropped out of college for web design. Years later, I'm chasing my dreams building my sites, hoping one day it'll be my full time job. How about you?
  4. SeanQuinn87

    Would you become a teacher?

    Would you like to be a school teacher as your career? :P I think it would be hard work. What about you?
  5. SeanQuinn87

    Would you like to go back to school?

    If you had the chance, would you like to re-do your school days? If whatever the reason may be, would you do it all over again? :P
  6. SeanQuinn87

    Did you stay in school till the end?

    Did you stay in school all the way up till the last year? The end of the last year? :P I missed the end of my school, about the last 6 months. :P