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What is your opinion on abortion?

If you have no problem with it ..do you realize a life is dying.

If you are against it ..would your opinion be the same if it was due to rape?
I am mostly pro life(against abortion) but sometimes i feel that the mother should choose, it depends on the situation
There are notable exceptions. However, for the most part, I think it's just people ridding themselves of healthy babies to get them out of the way. In that case, the law should try to preserve life as much as possible which it wasn't/isn't doing in many countries.

Anyway, I am also for preserving the life of unhealthy babies too, but I'm just pointing out something.
I am pro-life. I think that it's killing the life of an unborn child and the reason I say that is because when someone is excited about being pregnant, they'll do anything to protect that unborn baby inside. But if they don't want the child, then they insist it's only a clump of cells. So it seems to mostly be whether it's a matter of convenience or not.

As far as rape, there are stories of people who were products of rape and happy their mother's did not kill them.
I am pro-life. I think that it's killing the life of an unborn child and the reason I say that is because when someone is excited about being pregnant, they'll do anything to protect that unborn baby inside. But if they don't want the child, then they insist it's only a clump of cells. So it seems to mostly be whether it's a matter of convenience or not.

As far as rape, there are stories of people who were products of rape and happy their mother's did not kill them.
One criticism is that a man opposing abortion is a misogynist - which is basically woman beating, vulgar pig. That's not true in most cases I suspect. Basically, pro-life people are for women's rights, but the bottom line is there is responsibility when choosing to have sex, and many just can't live up to it. The bottom line is that the pro-abortion crowd either don't believe some or all unborn babies are truly human or they just believe in murder.
I am someone who is against abortion unless it is under certain circumstances. For example, if the woman was raped or if the woman's health was at serious risk if she continued with the pregnancy, or if the baby had no chance at all of survival and it was certain that was the case, I believe abortion should be an option. Many will argue with me in the case of rape saying that even though she was raped, that is no reason to kill innocent life. That kind of attitude is then only looking at the baby and not looking at how the woman feels who went through that ordeal and has to carry that baby knowing how it was conceived. I feel women should have the right to abortion for the reasons mentioned above without feeling guilty for doing so.

I am under no circumstances for abortion when it comes to using it as a form of birth control though and I feel that is when someone should step in when someone is using abortion as a form of birth control.
I'm fully against it unless it's due to rape and the mother would be worse off if she kept the kid.
I'm always against abortion unless it's life threatening for the mother and it is medically advisable to take it off but if not please don't kill. Just keep the baby
I am against abortion. Rape is something I won't want anyone to go through, but going for an abortion because of rape might be understandable to some extent but those it change the fact that you are taking a life? Abortion is abortion no matter the reason or cause.