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For the past decade, iAbortion has been a fairly big issue. I personally think it is wrong to kill a living baby when it is half way through pregnancy. It is the same as killing a normal person. But for things such as birth control, which girls can take shortly after having sex, I have no problem with, seeing how the women wouldn't be inpregnated by then.

But if you screw up, don't use protection, and find out your girlfriend is pregnant a few weeks later...well then too bad. It's your own fault, and you need to take responsibility for the child.

Though, under conditions such as rape, I think acceptions should be made. The person who is raped had no control over that, and should have the right to kill the baby if she wants to.

What are your feelings on abortion?
you can't straddle the fence with this type of issue, however tempting it may be. you're saying it's not ok, but it's ok for other reasons. i agree, it sucks if you're raped and stuck with a kid, but a woman can go into the office and say "i was raped, i want an abortion", but is there a way to prove this? maybe she just had unprotected sex and is using rape as an excuse because she knows that will get her baby killed. even though i think a woman, or anyone for that matter, should have a choice for doing what they want with their bodies, a baby is not your body, it is a person. and they have to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. if a man and woman are not ready or prepared for having a kid, then either take lots of precautions, or don't have sex.
I believe abortion should be legal after a certain point. It's a biological fact that babies don't develop neural networks for well into the pregnancy so how is it living if it's 100% dependant on the mother and can't think at all?

Besides what's more tragic out of these scenarios.

1. A mother getting an abortion after a month into pregnancy
2. A mother drowns her unwanted new born baby or kills the baby in one matter of another (this aucutally happens quite often)
3. The mother doesn't have enough money but has to keep the baby and then works all day, all night to pay for food and a trailor?

Mainly if the baby is unwanted, nothing good can come out once the baby is born. Depending on the mother, she may do very irational things and create great problems.
what a typical discussion!

well...im not gonna type a whole essay cause i gotta go soon...but i think it should be the womans choice. its her body, and she should do what she wants.
i hate to sound cliche by saying "they can always put it up for adoption" .... but it's so true
and i've also heard that a lot of the women that get abortions either regret it later or have severe nightmares about it
And in many cases, parents bail their daughter or son out when they have a child. If you can't work around it, then there is always adoption. Good point. :)
Well I was adopted -- so the idea of abortion still kinda irks me. Granted I understand that sometimes it is not the females fault (i.e. rape etc...) but still it is a human life. Now depending on your religious beliefs you may disagree with when the "fetus" actually becomes a human. Well I just can't condone it without making myself into a hypocrite.
GINA: Do you want to carry an unwanted baby for 9 months and go through all the pain, mood swings, sickness and then give it to adoption?
I'm completely for abortion. There are already way too many kids out there living in families that can't support them financially with parents who don't know how to raise them. In fact, I think we should be encouraging abortion for those who aren't ready. The population's already out of control as it is, and we shouldn't have to support all these kids. Life would be easier with more abortions.

Besides, you have to consider that, even if you believe it's the equivalent of murder--is that really any worse than a life of suffering, abuse, and poverty? I don't think it is. If I were going to live that kind of life, I'd hope my parents would have some compassion and abort me.
Originally posted by GINA
you can't straddle the fence with this type of issue, however tempting it may be. you're saying it's not ok, but it's ok for other reasons. i agree, it sucks if you're raped and stuck with a kid, but a woman can go into the office and say "i was raped, i want an abortion", but is there a way to prove this? maybe she just had unprotected sex and is using rape as an excuse because she knows that will get her baby killed. even though i think a woman, or anyone for that matter, should have a choice for doing what they want with their bodies, a baby is not your body, it is a person. and they have to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. if a man and woman are not ready or prepared for having a kid, then either take lots of precautions, or don't have sex.

You can fix that by having them file a criminal report before receiving it.

One of the most disgusting practices I find are the people, who usually live in extraordinairly low income housing, get abortions on a regular baisis. Not only is it a complete waste of life, but it is an extensive cost to the taxpayers.

And Advance, that's like saying we should be for war no matter the reason. After all, it's limiting the population, and hey, Americans can benefit!
"Its the womans body, let her do with it what she wants to." Shes not the one performing the operation in most cases.
THE fact of the matter is this, if your willing to consent to the pleasure of sex, then your willing (but not always able) to have a baby and care for the baby.


I don't care what issue you bring, that you could put it up for adoption or the mother is going to kill the baby anyway. Abortion will and will always be wrong, the only reason the government hasn't outlawed it yet it is because it controls popluation and helps the economy. (and economy aspect is too complex just trust me)

But if you look at it in a different way, a female could just have sex and when ever she gets prengant she could just have an abortion.

Human kind has to learn one thing about life. If you care for your own life, then care for anothers.
If she was responsible, she would take birth control pills. Or have her partner wear a condom. If you do these small things, you won't have to worry about getting pregnant anyways, now will you?
Originally posted by Advance
I'm completely for abortion. There are already way too many kids out there living in families that can't support them financially with parents who don't know how to raise them. In fact, I think we should be encouraging abortion for those who aren't ready. The population's already out of control as it is, and we shouldn't have to support all these kids. Life would be easier with more abortions.

Besides, you have to consider that, even if you believe it's the equivalent of murder--is that really any worse than a life of suffering, abuse, and poverty? I don't think it is. If I were going to live that kind of life, I'd hope my parents would have some compassion and abort me.

You would rather not existed on this earth, than face a life of possible poverty and possible suffering that you COULD change.

What exactly are you smoking do you realize what you have just spoke. GO tell that to the judge, the defense for abortion would love that.

ANd this whole thing about "its the woman's body let her to what she wants with it," than why do we out law drugs, its our bodies let us do the drugs and kill our selves! IT is only her body because it was given to her by her mother and father for giving her birth, for NOT aborting her!

GOD gave us life, and we in turn should give life to others.
Originally posted by mb90078
And Advance, that's like saying we should be for war no matter the reason. After all, it's limiting the population, and hey, Americans can benefit!

Get off your conservative high horse. It's nothing like that. I'm not saying go and kill all the new babies. I'm saying kill the unborn fetuses. They aren't alive until they're born. It's called being proactive.

The public school system and the welfare system are OVERFLOWING with poor, needy kids. And, it's a known fact that the greatest source of children in the country is unwed-mother, who often have twice as many children as your typical, married, middle-class mother. Increasing and providing abortions would help cut costs on welfare and medical aid, would lighten the load on our already failing public education system, and would curb the more than 10 million children in America who live in poverty for more than one year of their entire childhood. Abortion is good.

See, that's the problem with the abortion issue. The liberal side doesn't see the child as alive until it's born. Conservatives have some highly optimistic that at the moment of conception, life is there.

Just to fan the flames, you know what else I think we should encourage? I think we should encourage expecting parents who know they are going to have a retarded or defective child to abort it and prevent it from the misery. That'd save a lot of money in the long run, and help prevent those defective genes from spreading through the gene pool.

Waits for all the cries against Hitler Advance. :rollseyes
Yeah, so I guess they don't feel pain when they're stabbed at partial birth, which is still legal and widely defended. That must be the woman who feels the stabbing because, it is after all, her body.

I know plenty of happy, "defective" people, who enjoy life, and step up to the challange that they were given at birth. I would love for them to hear your suggestion. m
I agree with you mb, I know many defective people, even alot of them my friends, there not always suffereing and are in need of lots of money for them to survive. What about when a freakin person gets hit by a car, and needs a really expensive operation to save him, would you do it, or just out law cars so we can avoid the entire thing and the HUGE cost.

Have you ever heard of an organization called Best Buddies, if your in high school you have, these are kids in your high school who are apart of this club who have mental disablties and down syndrome and they still have full lives and get jobs and some even go through college. YOu would rather kill them!

Ok, if you wanna control population growth we might as well just limit people to 1 kid per family. Because there are way tooo many huge 8 and 10 people families. But wait all of them are mentally sound, forget it lets go after the ones who have mental defects!

Whats this whole liberal conservative crap, life is life, is it a living organism if you don't kill it as a fetus and wait for it to grow in 19 months you'll have a baby, and what do we call that, life. SO life is basically just the aspect of time.
You people aren't listening. A fetus is not life. Destroying it is not the same as killing a person. If we can't agree on this, then we can't ever hope to reconcile our opinions. Therefore, this discussion has no point.
First of all, whether you want to admit it or not, even if you're not going to call it human, it's certainly pre-human. It would be a life if not interferred with (and some claim it is anyway). Again, I ask you to reflect on my partial birth point.

And these people, they never would be people, if it went your way.

Since this is one of the baises of the entire debate, you cannot simply dismiss the other opinion and hope to move on.