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Alone or people


Chief Talker
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Do you like to be alone or do you need people aroundja? I usually like alone most of the time, but on occasion I need someone around me! When you're alone, you can basically do whatcha want, listen to music at full blast as long as you don't cause an earthquake or hurricane, and it's usually quieter (meaning people aren't talking)!

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I would like you to wonder your eyes toward another one of Napoli's posts, for it will complete your life
Nap, I'm pretty much the opposite...while I do need my "alone time", generally I like to be around other people. I think that's the biggest thing that's been hard for me since I graduated from college 6 years ago--not having the constant social atmosphere anymore. It's a little hard to meet people once you're out of school, and although I usually meet people I like at work, I tend to get enough of them while I'm in the office
I would have to say I'm somewhere between. Everyone, of course, needs their down time, but I'd rather have a small group of close/good friends than a whole big group of aquaintances (sp?). I like all the people at work, and I've gone out with some of them on occasion.

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." ~ Semi-Sonic
I prefer having people around most of the time, though after a while people tend to start to tire me when they're around in person, apart from a few.

Lister from Red Dwarf -
"I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"
i prefer being alone. Most of time I rather be alone so that I can sit and think about things. all things in general. After that want someone around so that I can share my ideas or whatever something like a brainstorm session at schools. after that being alone again.

of course when i'm with my girly most definitly not alone

"When do u no ur ready 4 1 thing or anything?"
Since I'm the "Life of the Party", "Everybodys Buddy", "Little Cheerleader" type - I tend to get worn out around people and like to be by myself pretty much. I like time to just think and work on projects but after too long of that it's SHOWTIME again.

Always be yourself. If they can't take a joke, *@#% em!
I am very used to being alone. I can deal with it and sometimes I even prefer it, cause I can always find a way to amuse myself with music or playing with my dogs or watching movies. I find that a good time to reflect on things and sometimes not even think about anything and just take a break from life. And then at times I like being around people but only a few people at a time. I get stressed out and nervous around alot of people, so just one or two friends are enough company for me most of the time.

liltaz: "I'm going to get Nookie for $50 tomorrow."
I'm kind of in between. I either like to be with one or two good friends, with my SO or alone.

Large groups of people make me very nervous.

Alien: ...I mean, your **** makes a noise...that's just...disturbing
I prefer the company of one or two people over a crowd. I feel a bit closed in with large groups of people. Being alone isn't bad when there are things to do.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

I'm just a quick pee. - liltaz, fastest pee in the West!
i enjoy being by myself when i have stuff to think about. i really like being up late at night by myself, because there's no one to disturb whatever i'm thinking. zoopy says he thinks, then shares when he's done thinking. i'm very much a prisoner of my own thoughts. i don't really know how to express my inner... stuff very well, so i keep to myself. i do enjoy being around my friends, and i like going to movies and stuff.

if i had an SO like taz does then i would certainly spend time with her instead of being alone. but i don't, so i don't.

crowds disturb me. the crowd is a being in itself with its own mind, the kind of mind and mentality i don't like, even in individual people. especially in individual people.

"...Another casualty of applied metaphysics." - Hobbes

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by monsieurjohn on January 03, 2001 at 12:43 AM</font>
I couldn't agree with you more about crowds.
For a long time I had no one to talk to about stuff, then I did, and now I've decided to go back to spending time alone and dealing with them myself for a while. People screw with me too much.

Lister from Red Dwarf -
"I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"
I love to be with other people.
If I am in on my own, I would rather go out and just be around other people.
I am very easy to get on with, and love to make new friends.
I have no problems going out on my own, I just hate to be by myself.

and if I am not out, I like nothing more than to curl up with someone and watch a movie or listen to some music.
Zoopy is definitely a thinker

Alien: ...I mean, your **** makes a noise...that's just...disturbing
thats right tazzy. I still can't figure out why c.a.t is pronounced cat and d.o.g is pronounced dog. why is that. hmmmmmm

"MHPBILUS till my last days of breathing.