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AMD 64 and Prescott


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AMD 64 and Prescott stuff

Just in case you are curious here is an article on the AMD64's, Intel's Prescot trouble and on the new price cuts. Also has some info on expected impact of a 64bit intel CPU

prescots are not doing soo good, heat and not really a good stepup, tejas are gonna own!!!
I hope intel does not release a nother wilmate type core.

Also i doubt M$ would make anthor 64-bit for Intel. If i;m not mistaken Intel will be adopting the x86-64 AMD came up with. In exchange Intel is giving AMD their SSE2 stuff. (maybe even SSE3? i doubt it but maybe)

EDIT: lol right after i posted this i read this: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=683995

it explains it.
I still dont understand why people insist on having the most up to date technology when its still expensive.

*pets his JIUHB 1700+*
heh im with you on that one

*pets his JIHUB 1700+ too*
i was looking foward to prescott too....

Oh well, i know intel will come up with somthing amazing.

I dont have a 1700+ to pet, and my p4 2.4A runs too hot and is too far back in my vaio to touch.
my 2500 barton will serve me well into next year.
I've heard quite a lot about the 64bit Intel chips, some HIGH dollar servers have them already and they are incompatible so far. If i find time i may have to type up some of one of the articles i've got on it, would be interesting. Sadly I can't link to it cause it isn't on the net where you'd all be able to go.
intels fsb locking technology is almost done hahahahaha bye bye market share
i hope they don't implement it. if they do intel will not be in my future.
dude, intel is going to be realeaseing a 64 bit desktop chip but the price of it will not be able to compete with the amd 64 or even the opterton. The price is estimated to be more then the "ee" edition of the 3.2 which now is around $1000+
Some servers already have the chips but it is VERY high end. Mostly like a hardware beta. I have a bunch of network magazines and i've read a bit about the chips in servers and stuff. Can't find the article, other wise i'd give some hard facts.