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America or Europe

Where do you live Falsharm?

Probably U.S.A, and I'm thinking you take back your hate for America in a heart beat fi you lived some where else in the world. You are so sheltered and protected here it is sick. Go live in a thrid world country, go live in Europe even, America is so much better than you can even dream.

Well, if you grew up here, there is really no way for you to adapt to another soecity, trust me most americans are so used to things here, they can never leave!

Not to say you couldn't live anywhere else but here, but you really don't understand how good you have it here in the U.S.A
Wow, Buster. It's interesting to read your posts and build a character out of what you say.

I truely hope you do not believe citizens of the U.S. are so aclimated to the U.S. that they cannot live anywhere else.

As far as what is considered 3rd world, yes, I have been to a few countries I'm sure you would consider beneath the U.S. Sadly enough, I do understand exactly how "good" I have it here. the problem is not how "good" I have it, but how poorly others have it.

Anyway, this is a discussion of the U.S. and Europe. Unless you living in a third world consider Europe third world, then the whole argument of living in a third world country is moot.

And, like I said, I know that each country is going to have its individual problems, but it is still the hypocracy and arrogance of the U.S. to think that it is the sh*t and there isn't anything better on the planet. It's about time the U.S. got its head out of its **** and realized this before the world decides to come down on it.
No way I could live outside of the US. I'm very happy here and would be unhappy anywhere else.

I may think differently after experiening it, but that is my feeling as of now.
I think America is safer than most countries in Europe at this point in time, but the fitness, culture, and pure languages (English is not pure, it's an influx of langs) are a lot more interesting and in some cases better than the U.S.....

For instance, Americans consume more products than any other country, eat more than any other country, use more resources and fossil fuels than any other country, complain more than any other country, have more obese people than any other country, and heck, they probably poop more than any other country in the world. Yes, some of these things make America great, and there are more, but Americans are wasteful unlike the crafty, resourceful Europeans who have pretty much been forced to due to time, space, and money.
falsharm said:
it is still the hypocracy and arrogance of the U.S. to think that it is the sh*t and there isn't anything better on the planet. It's about time the U.S. got its head out of its **** and realized this before the world decides to come down on it.

The United States IS the ****.

  • We are the sole remaining Superpower
  • We defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War
  • Without us, Europe would have fallen to the Axis
  • We financed the rebuilding of Europe after WWII
  • We donate more money to charity than any other country in the world
  • No country in the history of mankind has ever had more wealth or power and used it as benevolently as we do
  • We are the only country in the world where citizens routinely rise from poverty to wealth

That simply does not happen in Europe. The taxes in Europe (50% - 75% in some countries) keep people in the same class as there were born in (yes, I know Ms Rowling is the exception, not the rule). For the most part, if are born middle class, you stay middle class. There is very little upward mobility. I don't think that the United States is arrogant, I think we are just proud of our accomplishments. Remember, everything we have here in the good ole USA, we fought for and earned! We were a colony of England, just like Africa and India, and we rose to what we have become all by ourselves.

I think the problem is, and I am not directing this to you, Europe has become a bunch of elitist, socialist, snobs who think the common person is an idiot, and incapable of providing for himself without the government stepping in to provide everything for him. I think Europe sees the United States as "uncivilized", and looks down at us as if we are the "black sheep" of the family. It boils down to Eurpope being Socialist and the United States being Capitalist (boiled down very simplistically - I am aware that Europe is Capitalist as well, I am referring to larger governement styles). For the record, and for what it is worth, I see the United States becoming Socialist in next 50 years. I despise it, but I think it is coming.

And, as far as the world "Coming down" on us, that is not going to happen, at least not militarily. Economically, perhaps, but it would hurt any country that tried it almost as much as it would us - we import an awful lot. Militarily, all I can say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No way, no how, never happen! Thank God for the Second Amendment! Short of nuking us, there is no way we could be occupied. Unlike Europe, our citizens are allowed to own guns, and own them we do!

But I digress! I love our European Allies, and my motto is, too each his own. You folks do things the way you think is right, and we will do things the way think is right. But sorry, I still say that a country where a man like Tony Martin is put in jail, and the government lawyers tell a High Court that "burglars are members of the public who must be protected from violent householders" - The Independent (British Newspaper) May 5, 2003 - is not better than the United States. And, we have the right to say it!

xNaChOx said:
Another great DVD to see: Bowling for Colombine. If your are a dedicated American who doesn't like to see the truth, I don't recommend it, for the rest, great documentary. :)

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Michael Moore is a liar, a deceiver, and a hyprocrite. With one hand he chastises "Corporate American", and with his other hand he rakes in MILLIONS of dollars and lives like a king JUST LIKE THE PEOPLE HE PROFESSES TO HATE! If you want THE TRUTH about Michael, read "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat White Man". You will see that he misrepresents EVERYTHING in that movie. Does he lie? No, he mixes around the timeline a little.

Please, don't ever use anything you hear from him as a fact, it just totally blows your argument. I am a cop. I am telling you, if you want to protect your family, get a gun for your house. If someone comes into your house at 3:00AM, who is going to protect you? Michael Moore's bodyguards? I doubt it! Don't believe that moron! If you have a brain, and you are reponsible, you can be trusted with a gun.

Ok, time to calm down! :lol: I am tired, I am sick, and I am sorry if I am getting "mean". Guns and Michael Moore get me going! hehehehe. No disrespect intended, just read that book I mentioned before saying anything more about him. I watched Columbine and 911, and read the book. The book is telling much more truth than he is. I digress. LONG LIVE ALIEN SOUP! :lol:
That simply does not happen in Europe.
Actually, in central Europe, more commonly Germany, they have or have had a system called the 'Gastarbeiterprogramme' where mostly deprived peoples from Denmark & such are allowed to come into the country for work they previously could not find. This is essentially what has and is happening in the United States. Since the 1960s there have been so many cases in which an individual "rises up" from poverty to wealth and makes a decent living out of it. Things like this happen in many other countries as well, by various reasons, but it's wrong to generalize that Europe has not progressed from the earlier fincanical birth status. You've gotta give them some credit.
Rumsfeld™ said:
but it's wrong to generalize that Europe has not progressed from the earlier fincanical birth status. You've gotta give them some credit.
They lost beagle on the Mars! No credits!

Anyway, all this stinky Europe affraid Russian empire. That's why all those european politics always supporting all kind of terrorists and fascists agains Russia. Also, thay are discriminating russian peoples everywhere - this is a general european way.

Europe - sucks! :ticked:
Wait.... how do European politics support terrorists & fascists? I'm not following. Maybe you're just joking around, but it's hard to tell...hmmm XD If not, give evidence... I don't remember a time when a major European nation was against Russia because they were afraid/prejudice. I could be wrong. But remember, Europe is a continent, not a country. America has states, making up a country, Europe has countries ;D
Rumsfeld™ said:
Wait.... how do European politics support terrorists & fascists? I'm not following. Maybe you're just joking around, but it's hard to tell...hmmm XD

Many Europian countries gives asylum for different kind of terrorists. For example, Akhmed Zakaev - he was one of Chechen generals, and he was killing innocent peoples. The most of European politics are screaming that he is a rebel they are stay silent about thousands of peoples killed by Zakaev. He personally killed a priests, and this fact is proven. Of course, Europeans need a rebel hero against Russia, and what - they are supporting terrorists.

You know, Boris Beresovsky? This guy hijacked trillions of dollars and run out to England. He was finansing the Nord-Ost terroristic attac. Where is he now? He is refugee in England. You know, the law forses from Russia are looking him because he stealed trillions dollars, because he is financing terrorism, and ... England keep it from justice. He is still supporting terrorists, and England supporting him. Does England supporting terrorism?

About Common European Council. Each month they makes new 'Resolution' about the deals in Chechnia. They are screaming about chechen refugees and vicitims. Did you ever hear about 350,000 russian peoples who leaved Chechnia in 1990-1994? You know, when Chechnia became 'independent' republic - local nacionalistic criminals started genocide against russian. Why European council always points on 'chechen' side of problem and always silent about 'russian'?

Let's go to Latvia - the Baltic coutry - it was Part of Russia for more than 300 yrs, after it was 'independ' for 30 yrs, and after became a part of USSR. So, it is evidently russian territory. The half of population of Latvia - russian. What we have there :
1) latvian government approved Memorial for latvian veterans SS division
2) latvian government prohibited the 9th may celebration - the day of great victory above the fascistic germany - this is common holiday in common europe..
3) the russian language is mostly prohibited in schools, organisations, etc etc
4) the latvian goverment initiated mass deportation of russian peoples from latvia at
I can continue this list ... but, tell me honestly - did You ever heard that Europen Court ever condemnated those things in the country which became the part of Common Europe?
Ha-ha! Europe need anti-russian histery. They will support fascists only because those nazi guys are agains Russia.

So, what is a picture - there are sequent anti-russian politic in Europe. Why? They are affraid that Russia became strong again.

I don't remember a time when a major European nation was against Russia because they were afraid/prejudice. I could be wrong.

Do You remember cold war? The only Finland was a country, which was really collaborating with Russia. Huh - finlandia is almost russia ;)

But remember, Europe is a continent, not a country. America has states, making up a country, Europe has countries ;D

Europe ... o-oh europe ... uber alles
Hmm, Chechnyan terrorists are part of Russia, not Europe. Just because some European countries (you mentioned the UK) harbour them does not make Europeans hateful of Russian people, nor does the forbading of their language. Russia spans in 11timezones and includes a vast diversity of people, so I don't see how Europeans specifically can be hating on them so much as you claim...

About Common European Council. Each month they makes new 'Resolution' about the deals in Chechnia. They are screaming about chechen refugees and vicitims.
When the Austro-Hungarian Empire was falling apart pre-WW1 and people were being killed daily before it sparked the beginning of the war did Russia come and help? What about in the start of WW2, did Russia come and aid refugees and victims as in your situation? No they, did neither of these things, infact, they made a Soviet-Nazi Nonagression Pact without hesitation.

And Europe über alles? The national anthem of German (Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles in der Welt (over all in the World) does not apply to all of Europe man... And secondly, that anthem was not written in haste for superiority - At the time it was written, it was a call to
unite the many independent states into one unified Germany (witten 1841).

"The French want to fertilize farms with their enemies' blood, Britannia wants to rule the world's oceans, the US wants to fight from the shores of Tripoli to Mexico. More modest countries speak of defense.

This anthem says:
Forget petty regional squabbling, unite for the common good and do nothing that would shame the name of your person or your product and thereby your country. Work with pride to earn and keep the admiration of the world.

I don't think that shows any hate towards Russians NOR does it support any inkling that Europe wants total domination.

You may have had bad experiences with Europeans in the past, but from what I see it seems that you've been mislead to have these kind of ideas.

If anything the Americans have had more distaste toward your motherland.
Rumsfeld™ said:
them does not make Europeans hateful of Russian people
He-he! Dont thimplerig! I did not tell about all Europeans. If you will look to previous messages - You will find that original question was how do European politics support terrorists & fascists? - it was Your question. And ... I wrote that european politics conducts anti-russian politic. I wrote that europian politics supports fascists in former USSR countries, and they supports terrorism. This is just a well known fact.

they made a Soviet-Nazi Nonagression Pact without hesitation.

You forget one thing - the Soviet Union won this war - all European countires just gived up. There are was no any serious resistance agains nazi's germany in Europe, moreother, some european politics actively supported fascists.

You may have had bad experiences with Europeans in the past, but from what I see it seems that you've been mislead to have these kind of ideas.

Which ideas? What kind of ideas did You find there? Please, tell me in more details.

If anything the Americans have had more distaste toward your motherland.

You know, I was in Europe ... now I am there ... Americans are better in person ... they are more respectful to Russia than Europeans. But, it is just my opinion. :nod:

Sorry, probably my english is not too perfect :lol: I am starting to think that You misunderstood something.
Okay, I understand the whole terrorism supporting thing, but as far as the Soviets winning the war and doing all the work compared to European countries, that's not entirely true. The British & other allies dropped mass-supplies worth of weapons (mostly stens and such) to resistance pockets.

Yes, many to all countries supported the National Socialists during the war, but a lot of it was due to the military power that had invaded all of the countries.

So, I just don't think it's right to say that the Soviets did all the work and the Europeans just sat around all day Heiling. Nor is it right to say that all of Europe has disgust towards Russians. That is a very broad and untrue statement. Laws and such may suggest that they don't care as much, but that says nothing about the people of every single country in the whole of Europe.

I didn't misunderstand you and your English isn't so bad, so anyway.... oh and please do understand the meaning of that song because it drives me bonkers when people say Europe wants to be dominant and that song particularly expresses it, because that's not what it was originally for at all :lol:
goingnova said:
Dr Doom allows this? :tongue:
There are nothing wrong with half population of Latvia.
the wrong thing is - discrimination, the russian people in Latvia are discriminated. This is wrong. :nod:
Rumsfeld™ said:
So, I just don't think it's right to say that the Soviets did all the work and the Europeans just sat around all day Heiling.

I did not tell that Soviets did all the work. But 97.99999% of this work. It is really so.

And one more time about the Soviet-Nazi Nonagression Pact .
The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was signed ar august 1939. But, it was just reaction on Munich Dictate. It was the England-French-Germany pact signed at september 1938. This pact allowed Germans to occupy Czechoslovakia. Also, it was about England-French-Germany collaboration. You know - Munich Dictate was alliance and it was targeted agains Russia, at least German politics comments those events in that way. That alliance makes Stalin to search ways of peaceful coexistence of Russia and Germany. That's why the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact appeared.

You know - each European politic twits Russia with Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. But nobody memorize about Munich Dictate.

You can see, European politics always interpreting history in the way to accuse Russia. I'll repeat again - the Eroupean politics are trying to target Russia as an enemy. :nod:

Nor is it right to say that all of Europe has disgust towards Russians. That is a very broad and untrue statement. Laws and such may suggest that they don't care as much, but that says nothing about the people of every single country in the whole of Europe.
You know ... Laws are laws. Politics are politics. People are people. I do not know what stated in those laws, but I know that Europe discriminates Russia. Do you need examples? I have millions of examples.

This is reality - European politics does not like Russia.
97.999 % huh? I never knew that ;D
That alliance makes Stalin to search ways of peaceful coexistence of Russia and Germany.
If they were threatened or intimidated by this Muenchen Dictate you speak of, then why did they initially side with Germany instead of siding with their own allies...
Ahh well, your home country is huge, you'll get over it :p
Rumsfeld™ said:
97.999 % huh? I never knew that ;D
Ok-ok ... May be I exaggregated something ... :rolleyes:
lobo said:
There are nothing wrong with half population of Latvia.
the wrong thing is - discrimination, the russian people in Latvia are discriminated. This is wrong. :nod:

It was a joke. :nod: Dr Doom from Marvel Comics is supposed to be the leader of Latvia. :nod:
goingnova said:
It was a joke. :nod: Dr Doom from Marvel Comics is supposed to be the leader of Latvia. :nod: