An AMBER Alert has been issued in Illinois

The Stark County Sheriff's Office has issued an AMBER Alert for the state of Illinois.

A child abduction occurred in front of the Toulon, Ill. Post Office at 8:10 a.m. This is northwest of Peoria, Illinois.

Mia Graci Thompson is a 3-week-old white female who weighs 8 pounds and is 21 inches long.

Mia was wearing a yellow onesie with a flower on her left shoulder and blue jeans with pink flowers on the cuffs.

She was taken from the back seat of vehicle.

The suspect's vehicle is a gold or tan Buick or Pontiac and no license information has been reported at this time.

The suspect is a white female with brown hair, yellow sweat pants and the back seat of vehicle was full of items.

Anyone with information should call 911 immediately and advise the dispatcher that they have an AMBER Alert report.

If you have any information about this missing child, you can also contact the Illinois State Police at 847-872-4505.

For more details about this and other AMBER Alerts, visit or
Well that's interesting. I was at McDonald's last night parked next to tan/gold Bonneville type car and noticed that the whole back of it including the window was full up to the top of the car and someone living in that car?
That is interesting, Joy. Are you going to call? I think you should, better safe than sorry & McD's probably has security cameras.
I can't shake the feeling that I should. It really seemed odd to me last night. And how many cars filled with stuff like that matching that description could cross my path in 24 hours?
definitely you should call Joy. But the question I have is, so the baby was left UNATENDED in the car? Why would you leave a 3 wk. old in the car alone? Perhaps I misunderstood...really hope they didn't leave their baby in the car alone.
Those baby buckets are easy to get out if you know what you are doing...

So sad! I would be a complete mess...
Agreed, hope you call. Especially because of the security cameras at McDonalds, that's a great point.
OK I tried to call the local number they gave a few times and it was busy so I called the other number went through the whole thing. She said she was going to call the local authorities that issued the alert and give them the info and they will then call me.
I agree Barb,.......we need more info on it before everyone goes on a manhunt for them....always so fast to blame parents when all reality there is some sicko out there taking a 3week old baby!!
She did ask me which side of the parking lot and what street the McD's was on. I am sure I've seen security cameras there. I am going to look when I get home. I have to leave, gotta make the post office - will let you know if they call. They better :tap: I'd be PISSED if it was my kid and they didn't follow up on a tip no matter how slim the odds. Maybe she thought I was a wackadoo who knows.
I did read one article where both mom and grandpa say that mom went inside to the post office.

Still, this is one of those things that you used to be able to do and should still be able to do.
I wish she had locked the car. :-(

This is what I keep thinking! How hard is it to push the button before you do what you gotta do?! My boys are 10 and 12 (almost 13) and I STILL lock the car when I go into the gas station or whatever and leave them in the car.

Sad all around though...................please God let the baby be found safe and sound.
Me thinks the baby's dead and momma's lying through her teeth.

STARK COUNTY, Ill. -- An Amber Alert has been issued after a Stark County infant allegedly disappeared from the backseat of a vehicle Thursday morning.

Police now say that this case is not considered an abduction and is classified as a missing persons case.

Authorities say they are still looking for Mia Graci Thompson, a 3-week-old white female wearing a yellow onesie and blue jeans with pink flowers on the cuff.

Kendra Elizabeth Meaker, 19, said that she had both of her daughters in the backseat of the vehicle. The other child is 11-month-old Mercedes Grace Meaker.

Kendra says that when she came out of post office she found only Mia missing. However, authorities say Kendra later told police she did not realize Mia was missing until after returning home.

No witnesses saw the baby being taken at the post office.

Authorities say they have eliminated the suspect vehicle and white female suspect from the search.

Anyone with information should call 911 immediately and advise they have an Amber Alert report.