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And I thought my allergies were bad - help needed


Soooo demanding
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So Lex has been having allergic reactions to foods that he's always been fine with before, getting more severe each time, so I took him in for testing today. My life is going to be a bit more challenging going forward so I'm hoping some folks can leap frog me to products that he'll be able to eat going forward.

Here's what food he's allergic to:

  • Milk
  • Corn
  • Peanut
  • Tomato
  • Oranges
  • Pineapple
  • Grapefruit
And then environmental ones

  • Trees
  • Grasses
  • Mites
  • Mold
  • Ragweed
  • Weeds
  • Dogs (ugh!)
  • Cats (double ugh!)
So I have to immediately remove all of the above foods and their related cousins. A month from now I can challenge them back in, but I need to get through this next month.

I know that milk, for now, means all dairy. The doctor wants me to add a Vitamin D supplement - does anyone have one they recommend that a four year old would take (gummy)? I've already figured out that I can use soy or coconut milk with his breakfast cereal so I'm OK with that and he'll just have to go cold turkey on cheese for the next month.

Corn is more of a challenge. The doctor said this not only included corn, but also high fructose corn syrup (obviously) but also any food colouring since those are frequently made from corn. I haven't been home to read bread labels, but are there breads out there that aren't made with HFCS? What other foods, besides the obvious sugary snacks, are ones that have HFCS where you wouldn't expect it to be?

Lex lives on peanut butter - is the alternative to peanut butter almond butter? Is there anything else (my mind is drawing a blank on other peanut butter alternatives)?

Tomatoes - no ketchup, spaghetti sauce or pizza, etc. I'm thinking a little olive oil for spaghetti, but I can't even add Parmesan cheese to liven it up a bit. Ideas here? And I can make pizza with pesto sauce, so have a work around there. My ketchup alternative will be Asian dipping sauces and honey-mustard sauce (or dressing). Other ideas are welcome here as well.

I'm happy to take any and all suggestions you have, plus the gotchas you've learnt along the way.

On an up note he isn't allergic to yeast, eggs, wheat or soy so I think my challenge is easier than for others.
Holy crap Canadia...............that's rough. Good luck!!! :huggy:
Is there hope he will outgrow some of those allergies?
The general impression I got from the doc is that these ones are for life.

I completely forgot in the first post to ask if anyone uses Theraplex Clear Lotion on their kids skin or gives them Metagenics UltraFlora (a chewable probiotic).

I knew things were getting bad, but what I thought was very bad eczema is actually a skin infection. So he already has an antibiotic cream for his face and he'll take oral antibiotics twice daily for the next month.

Yes, epic mothering fail.
check out Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) <alerts@foodallergy.org>

they send an email of producs that the labels say do not have XYZ in them, but they have discovered they have them. My cousin just sent me this cause my girls have tree nut allergy. Her son has dairy and egg allergy and she said this has been great.

sunflower seeds is a good allternative to nuts.

So sorry you are going thru this......my cousin has had a rough road with all they things she has to avooid for her son....who knew milk was in so many things including lunchmeat???
Something to think about and not sure if this is the case or you might not even know but I have a cousin who has tons of food allergies specifically to just about every fruit and vegetable. She will have a reaction too and has also tested positive for an allergy BUT her problem is with the raw state. If the fruits or veggies are cooked, they cause no reactions. Not sure if this is common but just thought I'd throw that out there.
check out Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) <alerts@foodallergy.org>

they send an email of producs that the labels say do not have XYZ in them, but they have discovered they have them. My cousin just sent me this cause my girls have tree nut allergy. Her son has dairy and egg allergy and she said this has been great.

sunflower seeds is a good allternative to nuts.

So sorry you are going thru this......my cousin has had a rough road with all they things she has to avooid for her son....who knew milk was in so many things including lunchmeat???

Funny I'm allergic to sunflower seeds but not nuts. When I eat something unknowingly with sunflower seeds I start to see little welts on my body.

But with anything with allergies, everything is trial and error. Make sure your son is medicated at all times. Keep extra Benadryl handy as it seems to help the allergic reactions.
Funny I'm allergic to sunflower seeds but not nuts. When I eat something unknowingly with sunflower seeds I start to see little welts on my body.

But with anything with allergies, everything is trial and error. Make sure your son is medicated at all times. Keep extra Benadryl handy as it seems to help the allergic reactions.

wow, that is weird. And see, I am allergic to almonds, but my girls are allergic to every tree nut BUT almonds!
Now that I'm not at the doctor's I have more questions - especially around the peanuts.

Isn't there a difference between ground nuts and tree nuts? So that's why you can be allergic to peanuts but almonds are fine?
canadia make a list of your new questions and give the doc a call.
Now that I'm not at the doctor's I have more questions - especially around the peanuts.

Isn't there a difference between ground nuts and tree nuts? So that's why you can be allergic to peanuts but almonds are fine?

YES!!! my girls cannot eat tree nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cashews, brazilian nuts, pistachios, etc.) but CAN eat peanuts. they are two different allergies. Did they test him for any tree nuts? If so and he was fine, then go ahead. If they did not test for any of those, I would still avoid because they are somewhat related and just to be safe.
Prayers and good luck. I don't have experience with allergies, but am praying that things go well for you-and that you can reintroduce things without a reaction!!
My condolences on Lex' food allergies, I know what a life altering PITA they can be.

Did the allergist give Lex an Rx for Epi-pen, jr? If he did, it is vitally important that one or two be within reach at all times in case of anaphylaxis, not just Benadryl.

If Lex has no problem will sesame seeds, Tahini may help with a peanut butter substitute. Stay away from Joyva brand, it tastes like crap.

FAAN is a good basic resource: http://www.foodallergy.org/

One of the hardest parts with kid's food allergies is they need to learn they can't share what other kids offer.
I have the milk, gluten, corn and tomatoes. The tomatoes only make my nose runny, so I deal with that and still eat them.

You might have luck with Ezekial bread which is stored in the refrigerator. That's pretty natural, not sure of all ingredients. I have gluten free bread which sucks, so avoid that.

Corn syrup is in EVERYTHING, even food you wouldn't think of. Milk is in hot dogs and in most rotissere chicken. I think another poster had some great ideas about checking out things online.

There's lots of reading. It is a pain, but I feel so much better now. Just keep thinking about that.

As far as the environmental stuff goes, invest in a mattress protector and pillow protector to help keep away the dust mites.

Good luck!
There are 2 gluten free bready that are good (dairy and corn free as well which is why I mention them) and I will get you the names tomorrow.
Don't know if you have it in your area, but Arnold brand bread does not have HFCS.