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AND so everyone doesn't think I never make mistakes...

the mistake part is using the context from the think part....

everyone thinks I never make mistakes (correct usage)

everyone does not think, I never make mistakes
(then; everyone does think, I always make mistakes)

wrong...in her CONTEXT written she is contextually referring to a previous relationship. therefor, the implied adverb is really (does not continue to think)

"so that everyone does not continue to think i never make mistakes"

perfectly fine, skincarekathy :)
Has anyone thought maybe NOW might be a good time to take a long brisk walk.... really... ?? the grammar police??? Keep it up, my next suggestion might include a short pier.....
Has anyone thought maybe NOW might be a good time to take a long brisk walk.... really... ?? the grammar police??? Keep it up, my next suggestion might include a short pier.....

ummmmm, i posted in support of skincarekathy. i didnt start the policing.

read the thread, k, pumpkin?
Ellenface, I was not talking to you.... I thought knit picking skincarekathy's comment, which was done by lordoffire, was ridiculous.

take the pumpkin and shove it, sideways... if ya wanna get snarky
Dare I say...
it's "nit picking" :roll:
Ellenface, I was not talking to you.... I thought knit picking skincarekathy's comment, which was done by lordoffire, was ridiculous.

take the pumpkin and shove it, sideways... if ya wanna get snarky

nope, no desire whatsover to get snarky. thought the comment was towards me as you posted after me.

so, i'll skip the pumpkin-shoving suggestion, thanks anyway.:giggles:

I thought of this thread when I saw this. :giggles:
Sorry that you got scammed. I've been wanting to open an ebay account but I'm a bit scared about getting scammed. :/
I have a minor in English but I learned many moons ago to put on my blinders when I am on the net and on blogs or forums. Sometimes the grammar, punctuation, and spelling can be pretty bad but it's best just to ignore it IMO. I'll admit that I even like to abbreviate words and spell funny just to save time sometimes.

That being said, it sucks to get scammed but we can always learn from our mistakes. Hopefully you didn't lose out on too much!

My DD's coach is an English professor. Every text & email I send him, I quadruple check. He rode with us to our last tournament & the entire 5 hours there & back I was overly cautious with my word choices. :lol: