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Animal Abuse needs to stop

I love animals so I don't like to see people abusing them. I always cry when I see a sad movie about dogs or any other animal (Marley & Me, Hachiko: A Dog's Story).
Yea man, and those commercials about animal abuse are make me sad too.
True, to tell the truth I prefer animals over people.
I totally agree with you. By killing/hurting an animal is still killing or hurting a life. But there is also we all eat meat and we got to live off them. Its feeling bad but we also as human's have to survive. Home pets and so on don't deserve to get beaten/killed but don't mean im saying farm animals too. But we need food somewhere and we can't just stop big company's from stopping it. Just imagine how many farms they have that just do whatever it takes to make money.
I totally agree with you. By killing/hurting an animal is still killing or hurting a life. But there is also we all eat meat and we got to live off them. Its feeling bad but we also as human's have to survive. Home pets and so on don't deserve to get beaten/killed but don't mean im saying farm animals too. But we need food somewhere and we can't just stop big company's from stopping it. Just imagine how many farms they have that just do whatever it takes to make money.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
But there is also we all eat meat and we got to live off them. Its feeling bad but we also as human's have to survive.

Humans don't need meat to survive. A well-planned vegetarian diet can be extremely healthy, just as a well-planned omnivorous diet can be healthy. A significant portion of the world's population is vegetarian and many studies show they are healthier and live longer.

American Heart Association:

Most vegetarian diets are low in or devoid of animal products. They’re also usually lower than nonvegetarian diets in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Many studies have shown that vegetarians seem to have a lower risk of obesity, coronary heart disease (which causes heart attack), high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and some forms of cancer.


American Cancer Society:

Studies that look at people and their habits have linked vegetarian diets with a decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and colon cancer. A review of studies looked at the effects of vegetarian diets among Seventh-Day Adventists, whose religious doctrine advises against eating animal flesh. The review found that Seventh-Day Adventists had less heart disease and fewer cases of some types of cancer than most people. For instance, vegetarians tended to have lower rates of prostate and colon cancer. On average, Seventh-Day Adventist males had serum cholesterol levels and blood pressures that were lower than average. And, their overall cancer death rate was about half that of the general population. The overall cancer death rate of females was also lower.

A study that looked at groups of people in Germany found the death rate for colon cancer was lower among moderate and strict vegetarians compared with that of the general population. The authors of this study also noted vegetarians tend to be more health conscious than average. In Great Britain, a 17-year study followed 11,000 vegetarians and health-conscious people. They concluded that eating fresh fruit every day was linked to a significant reduction in deaths from ischemic heart disease, stroke, and all causes of death combined. Another population study found men who ate a diet rich in grains, cereals, and nuts had a lower risk of prostate cancer.

Humans don't need meat to survive. A well-planned vegetarian diet can be extremely healthy, just as a well-planned omnivorous diet can be healthy. A significant portion of the world's population is vegetarian and many studies show they are healthier and live longer.

American Heart Association:


American Cancer Society:


Yes we don't need meat to live, but it wont change the fact people love it :/
I love animals so I don't like to see people abusing them. I always cry when I see a sad movie about dogs or any other animal (Marley & Me, Hachiko: A Dog's Story).

Have you ever seen the Movie "Eyes of an Angel" w/ Jon Travolta. I know I am aging myself here, its an older movie about dog fighting and a special doberman, but its a real tear jerker and its simply awesome.
Yes we don't need meat to live, but it wont change the fact people love it :/

Exactly. I always say, if we weren't intended to eat meat, than why do we have carnivorous type teeth and stomachs that contain the specific acid and protein to digest it? I could not be a vegetarian, I have nothing wrong or against those who are, I just love a good steak too much!
Have you ever seen the Movie "Eyes of an Angel" w/ Jon Travolta. I know I am aging myself here, its an older movie about dog fighting and a special doberman, but its a real tear jerker and its simply awesome.

Not yet but since I love animal movies I'm going to watch it.
Also to the vegetarians, we were born to survive on meat and vegetables, can you make animals turn into vegetarians because they eat meat also? Thats how they survive...