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Animal in Bed



Some people think it is disgusting that people share their bed with their pets. Personally I can't see the problem. I have been sharing my bed with cats since I was 19. Thirty five years! OMG! I am surprised I don't have a fur ball by now breathing in all that cat hair! LOL Granted there were "guests" during that time (some staying as long as three years) but it was clearly understood that she would be sharing with the cat or else the guest room was available for her.

I am curious how others feel about allowing their pets to occupy a space in your bed? Or am I the only one who gathers up the cats before I retire for the evening? That is if they are not already asleep on my pillows? HA!:cat: :icon_cat:
I for one have absolutely no probelm sharing our bed with our cat. Most times, SHE shares with US!! She's part of my family, a huge part of our lives and my husband and I love her dearly. I share my breakfast cereal with her - why not sleeping arrangements?
To be honest I've never been able to have pets in my room for the sake my parents would either lock them out aka the cat, or keep them in the kitchen aka the dogs...

But when I get my own pets I will let them roam the house :) ocne hosue trained of course. It seems like it'd be a good idea because they are theoretically part of your family.
I would be lost without my critters in bed with me. Sometimes it is annoying when they get settled and I don't want to move the blanket so I won't disturb them. I have been known to go and get another blanket to place over them and ME so I wouldn't disturb them. Hate it when they hog the blankets! LOL
personally i would never share my bed with a pet unless well never mind that, but as for the 4 legged type i am alergic so i really cant share my bed with them cuz then i would end up with a nasty asthma attack however i probablly would share my bed with a pet if it werent for these **** allergies
I once was acquainted with a woman who was also allergic to animals. She would have asthma attacks but refused to give up her cats. Her doctor would give her some type of shots that would lessen her re-action. I believe she received them 4 times a year. She refused,however to give up her cats. Her husband thought she was nuts to suffer so much but she was determined to keep the felines! The things we do for our animals.
yeah i was getting alergy shots at one time then my insurence ran out they cost $60 a week kinda pricey if you have to pay for them yourself
I've slept with either one of my great danes or my st. bernard in the bed. Since i'm in korea my wife likes to have some of her rats in her bed while she sleeps.
My dog Molly, and my cats (2 of them) have shared my bed with me. Today I share my sleeping arrangements with two very spoiled cats.
My husband and I share our bed with our three "children" lol. We have a male and two female cats and I have absolutely no problem sharing the bed with them. In fact the one I am most attached to *not that I don't love them the same* is the one who sleeps on my pillow and has to have her head on top of mine when she sleeps. It's so darn cute from what my hubby tells me... I would be, let me rephrase that, I WILL be lost with out the girls because we are moving and I am giving them to my niece for Christmas. The only thing that bothers me tho. with her is she has a habit of kneeding *sp* my head.. OUCH
Mr. Dragon won't allow our feline in the bedroom, so I tend to curl up on the loveseat with the cat and crash there until the mister's ready to go to bed himself. It's gotten to the point where the cat will sit in the doorway of whatever room I'm in and "yell" if I'm not on the couch and dozing by nine pm.
Put the Dragon on the couch for a change. LOL Poor cat!
Put Mr. Dragon on the couch...I can't see him folding himself onto the loveseat. Heck, I can barely do it and I'm only 5'3".
Then you will just have to insist on twin beds! LOL
TWIN?!?! I'm sorry Irish, but I'm a very spoiled dragon as well. I like my Cali-King bed and I like my bedmate (the human one). If it means my poor furball just has to make do with the time on the couch, so be it.
I suppose you have a point there Pyxi. That would not be a difficult choice. And if the wee cat does not feel neglected and it is used to NOT sleeping in bed with you then all is good!

I on the other hand say "Love me; love my cat!" I wouldn't put either one out for a "visitor". Then again they probably would not want anyone else in the bed with me anyhow.
That's good as it is easier to train a cat! *Did I say that?* LOL
lol, darn right its easier to train an animal. :D

I used to sleep with the family dog when I was little, it was a lot of fun, and its so cute when they bundle up close to you. Now I don't live at home, and my roommates have a dog that sheds CONSTANTLY. So now there is a new rule: Its not even allowed in or near my room. :p