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Originally posted by YesIndeed
I surely would!!
You, hungry girl, come tomorrow for yesturday's chocolate candy :bgrin:

Yep ... I'll use these socks to scare squirrels from my plantation ...

Do You know, that using sweaty socks in military goals was prohibited in Geneva at 1947?
Erm... I do not know. But I'd like to! :)

Did you know that my buttocks are sore?
Ahh! I'll come check it refrigerator ...

Why do You store Your buttocks(drumsticks?) in refrigerator?
I don't. They're in the freezer silly! :tongue:

Who are all our base belong to?
All Your Base Are Belong To ...

Do You have windows in Your cave?
Yes of course! I don't like things too dark in my cave and my doggies like to look out them and bark and the passer-bys.

Do you often have desert after your dinners when you go out to eat?
I am trying to have a desert at any my dinner ... sorry ... If You mean that going out is a going to eat outside of my cave ... sorry ... I do not like to go out ... cuz I do not trust them ... of course, they will poison me :(

What kind of desert do You love? (I mean very-very!)
Paul! :burga:

Do you ever pick your nose & eat it?? (Fess up!)
Of course ... If I drunk ... sometimes I eat my nose, mustaches and hat.

Do You put whipped cream on the Paul's top?
I most certainly do!!

Why exactly did you want to know that?? :tongue:
Whipped cream cake over the somebody's head is always funny :lol:

Why do You not play these smart gamez so long long time?
Long-long time ago I was kid and we had a play in school theatre ... I should to kiss frog to convert it into a princess ... and ... the director bring big real frog ... such brown ... with pimples ... and ... such big ... huh ... when I saw it first time ... i told - I'll never kiss this beast ... and ... it also did not likes me ... and ... on the repetition ... when I bring my lips in touch with this ... creature ... probably I squese it too much ... because it always was trying to escape ... and the dark slime get ot from frog to my hands ... and I throwed on it ... of course no princess ... at all

What is Your origin?
1/2 Russian, 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Greek

If you were to plan a long road trip, where would you most like to visit?
Heavens ... of course, and ASAP!

If You should to have long road trip, whom would You ask to plan it?
Usually I do it but if sending someone else and I'm not attending I let AAA handle it so those someones can blame them instead of me.....

If you were a millionaire what would be the first thing you would do?
Invest a very large percentage of it and then go on vacation.

How do you make a 2 year old go to bed when he is suppose to?
Tell him that if he doesn't go to bed, you'll let the monster out of the closet to eat his toys.

Where were you the first time you kissed someone?
In a church rectory. :embarass:

What is the first thing that comes to mind, when you think of Alien Soup?