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Anxiety in children


Hanging Out!
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............I'm having a very tough time right now..............I'm realizing some things............DH isn't helping much.................I think my baby (9) is having anxiety issues. I'm trying not to play into them, but at the same time be supportive of him when he's struggling.

Do you have children with this? DS has a ped appointment in a week so I'll be talking about this.


aww..Mrs. Mom I'm sorry your DS is having a tough time...I don't think this is quite the same thing but my 6 yr. old DD has terrible nightmares and is afraid of the dark lately...even keeping a night light in her room isn't enough...she comes in and sleeps on our bedroom floor. I think she is just freaked out cuz DH works nights now and it's just me her, and the dog. Hope you get some answers though.
:huggy: I think that my 3 year old might have anxiety. He is very particular about many things and becomes upset when these things are changed. I talked to his pediatrician about it but she said he would probably grow out of it since he is so young. We did get a referral to a child psycologist. I think we will probably wait to make an appointment until we get his special ed. evaluation results back.
Thank you sweetie. DS has ALWAYS had bed time issues. He never has slept in his own bed........it was with us for years then on the couch..........then would wander into our room at some point.

He's a very sensitive boy........totally unlike his brother.

He's always nervous and scared lately. He wants to be by me all the time. He tells me that he's scared, but doesn't know why. Sounds like anxiety to me. :9:

Like I said, I don't wanna play into it in hopes that we can figure this out without putting a label on it that he can hold on to.
:huggy: I think that my 3 year old might have anxiety. He is very particular about many things and becomes upset when these things are changed. I talked to his pediatrician about it but she said he would probably grow out of it since he is so young. We did get a referral to a child psycologist. I think we will probably wait to make an appointment until we get his special ed. evaluation results back.

Not to say he may not have issues, but he's still a babe...........I wouldn't put too much stock on those things for a couple years (not to say you shouldn't keep an eye on them). Good luck.

ETA: The whole "particular" thing esp. in boys can often be traits of autism or esp. the mild form.............aspergers............these kids are very particular in what they like and can handle.
Thank you sweetie. DS has ALWAYS had bed time issues. He never has slept in his own bed........it was with us for years then on the couch..........then would wander into our room at some point.

He's a very sensitive boy........totally unlike his brother.

He's always nervous and scared lately. He wants to be by me all the time. He tells me that he's scared, but doesn't know why. Sounds like anxiety to me. :9:

Like I said, I don't wanna play into it in hopes that we can figure this out without putting a label on it that he can hold on to.

Does he know about your recent scare w/the blood clot? IF so then he MAY just be reacting to that...he loves his mom and doesn't want to see anything happen to her...it may just be a passing thing...even if you haven't said anything about it to your kids he may still just be worried sick that something is really wrong. It's natural for kids to be concerned if a parent is having lots of tests etc...really hope it works itself out!
Does he know about your recent scare w/the blood clot? IF so then he MAY just be reacting to that...he loves his mom and doesn't want to see anything happen to her...it may just be a passing thing...even if you haven't said anything about it to your kids he may still just be worried sick that something is really wrong. It's natural for kids to be concerned if a parent is having lots of tests etc...really hope it works itself out!

Thank you sweetie, but no. I've not discussed ANYTHING medical with them (hell my mom doesn't even know about my anxiety let alone my blood issues).
Not to say he may not have issues, but he's still a babe...........I wouldn't put too much stock on those things for a couple years (not to say you shouldn't keep an eye on them). Good luck.

ETA: The whole "particular" thing esp. in boys can often be traits of autism or esp. the mild form.............aspergers............these kids are very particular in what they like and can handle.

Yes, I definitely think that my son has autistic traits. :pout: I don't think it is aspergers, but he could be somewhere on the spectrum. In him being so young, I don't really want to have a diagnosis, but rather to learn some skills so I can help him.
Maybe he's picking up on your worries. He doesn't know what's wrong but may sense it and is worried about it himself.
Maybe he's picking up on your worries. He doesn't know what's wrong but may sense it and is worried about it himself.

I was totally expecting someting smartass (which has been you as of late) but thanks. :wan:
Hi MrsMom, is this your ds that has adhd? I ask b/c my sister's son is 11 years old and has adhd and is also having significant anxiety problems. Anxiety about everything ... they just saw a new adhd specialist late last week and they are switching his meds around -- I haven't talked to my sister yet about it, but this is what my mom told me. My sister was on a girls weekend this weekend, so I didn't bother her about it but will talk to her this week and I'll let you know what the doctor had to say about it.

Hang in there mrsmom, I know you have been having a hard time lately. Hugs to you and your ds!
I say this in love, but from my own experiences with my mom, anxiety in parents begets anxiety in kids.

:hug: Best of luck to find some peace :)
My nephew has ADHD and anxiety. I know of one other girl that has both also so maybe it's somewhat common that they go hand in hand?

Also agree with Charlie...might be picking up on you're extra anxiousness!
Thank you sweetie. DS has ALWAYS had bed time issues. He never has slept in his own bed........it was with us for years then on the couch..........then would wander into our room at some point.

He's a very sensitive boy........totally unlike his brother.

He's always nervous and scared lately. He wants to be by me all the time. He tells me that he's scared, but doesn't know why. Sounds like anxiety to me. :9:

Like I said, I don't wanna play into it in hopes that we can figure this out without putting a label on it that he can hold on to.

My older boys for a number of years slept in the same bed-twin size I think my younger one needed it ( they are 2 years apart) which is funny because he is the more out going one!
Yes this is the DS with ADHD.......what a rough night. He kept wanting to come in our room. I said "Honey you're fine, we're right here if you need us." After a while he finally slept on the couch. DH was all set to let him in our bed, but I'm trying to help him to be strong kwim.

The first time I thought it was anxiety was in Dec. when his great grandmother (Nana) passed away. It really affected him. He would come to me saying he's sad then cry really hard then beg me to help him. He kept yelling "Mommy please help me!" like something was happening to him. All I could do is hold him. :pout:

Last week he came to me a few times saying "I'm feeling weird again." So I would get a puzzle or something out for him to do to take his mind off of the feeling which seemed to help.
My 10 yo son has anxiety issues. Night has been hard for years. He is really freaked out by storms - always wanting to check the radar, etc. Other things, too. We ended up finally taking him to a psychologist. He only went I think 4 times and things have improved and the psych said she didn't think he needed to continue. He's obviously not suddenly anxiety free, though. I don't know if he grew out of some of it or what. One thing funny is my wife (who took him) said that whenever the dr. said some of the things we've said repeatedly that all the sudden he'd listen and it would sink in.
My son at about 5yrs old out of no where starting having Anxiety . He refused to go to preschool,leave the house..I didn't know what to do do either..My neighbor gave me homeopathic camomile tablets and I gave him those and told him they were magic to help with his anxiety,they helped ..Hope he over comes this ,I know it's hard to watch and not be able to do anything..Plus my DD also went thru this and now she is 12yrs old but she still gets alittle anxiety and she has to aways give me a kiss and say goodbye to me everytime she goes anywhere..
i hope you do not mind my saying so, but i have to totally agree with the trend of posts that your son is picking up on your recent scares. i know that no matter how hard we try to hide these things from our loved ones, they often can sense it perfectly. in fact maybe he is fearing something worse than what you already have going on. he is probably consumed with worries about his mama. if it were me i would be reluctant to tell him anything that is going on and even in this light of recent developments i would be on the fence about telling him. i would be wondering if telling him what is going on would allay some anxiety or exacerbate it. i know from my experience that telling the mom is always most difficult (my mom or your mom) they get all in your business and still think they own you. i guess it is just human nature of our mothers, huh? ! the more we hide from them it seems the smoother our lives go. ugh! sad but true. i guess i would patiently feel him out and throw a couple of bait questions out there about what is perhaps really troubling him, and then get a feel about whether or not he is worried about you. i know you have great people reading skills and we all know the apple does not fall far from the tree, so i would be voting that he is knowing you are feeling less than spectacular and are worried about your health. just my two cents. and sorry you have the added stress of worrying about your baby. hugs!
i wouldnt say our younger boy had "anxiety" issues, but in his younger years there were multiple times when his reactions to situations were "over the top"

my mom radar went off, several times, to be sure.

if i can give you one bit of advice, it would be this.

think the BEST of your son. always. think the BEST of him. he means well, he wants to do well, he thinks well, he is well...etc etc etc. this may sound like an obvious point, but his "anxiety" may try your patience on occasion, and shake that knowledge.

im not saying not to get professional advice/support/help. but, no one will love your son more than you.

in my experience, our boy ended up growing "out" of his over-reactions. maturity took its role in his reasoning abilities, it just came later and differently than it did for others.

now, that son is REMARKABLY street-wise and, in all humility, very much in-tune with what really matters. he doesnt have much interest in peer pressure and he has an insight on things that i, as an adult, admire.

if he were the same thinker in his formative years as the "norm", then who knows if he would be that out-of-box thinker that he is today.

i hope this helps you.
Thanks all. I'm pretty certain it doesn't have anything to do with my health issues because like I've said, he has no idea. I go to the doctor when they're in school and they don't know and DH and I don't talk about anything in front of them.

Ellen I always think the best of him...........he's always been such a good boy, very sweet, well behaved and gets all A's & B's. Actually my older son would prolly say that his brother is the favorite because he doesn't get in trouble much. :lol:

He's been getting increasingly needy..........he has a morning ritual with DH. Before DH leaves, he gives us all a kiss and says have a good day. Then he goes to the door, with his coffee, brief case, etc. Right as he's going out the door DS comes running to the door yelling "Daddy!!!! Last minute hug!" Sometimes is annoys DH because he's holding all his stuff, but it's sweet. If for some reason he doesn't get his "last minute hug" his day is off to a bad start. :pout: