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Are you addicted to Internet ?

Nope, but I do use it a lot for a variety of things .
Yes i am addicted to internet but there are many other things that i love to do.
Yes I'm addicted to the internet but I don't really mind it :D It's not like it's a horrible harmful addiction. :p
Some of those things are true for me, Except those extreme ones. My outside life comes ahead of internet all the time.. Except when it comes to studying probably.
But lasting a week without internet would be considered impossible in my situation :p
Well I do spend a lot of time on internet but its mostly related to work. Recently I had a vacation and did not access internet for about 7 days without feeling angry, sad, moody or restless. So I guess I'm not addicted to the internet :)
I would say yes. I mostly advertise when I am on. And have my website running smoothly with daily activities.
I am most certainly addicted to the Internet. In fact, I think calling my complete and total immersion in the Internet an addiction is an understatement.
Oh dear. Lying to the family and neglecting sleep is no go.
I'm addicted to the internetz, but sleep, going out, spending money is still pretty high on my list.
I'm totally addicted. But it's my job to be on the internet all day long. So I get a pass. Don't I? lol Seriously even if it weren't my job there is so much to read and do on the web. However too much of anything is a bad thing. And that can be applied to a lot of things in life. I'm sure when radio was first invented there were folks that thought it was addictive too. All you can do is try to keep everything in moderation.
Yes I'm addicted to the internet. I don't know what I'd be doing without the internet, it keeps me out of trouble.
Yes I'm addicted to the internet. I don't know what I'd be doing without the internet, it keeps me out of trouble.
I'm suprised to hear someone else say that. If it wasn't for the internet, I'd be in the hood more than anything. I sometimes prefer hanging out in the hood than doing anything else. I grew up in Poverty, and I take that has a lesson learned to use it to my advantage on the web.
Definitely addicted. I end up spending more and more time on it without realizing it. You look up and 4 hours have passed without you realizing it. I guess it is an addiction.
  • Do you often think about previous online activity or anticipate next online session ? Nope
  • Do you feel the need to use internet with increasing amount of time ? Not really.
  • Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop internet use ? nope.
  • Do you feel restless, moody, depressed or irritable when attempting to cut down internet use ? A bit.
  • Do you stay online longer than originally intended ? Yes me and my dad both do lol.
  • Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the internet ? Nope.
  • Have you lied to family, therapist or other to conceal the extent of involvement of internet ? Nope.
  • Do you use the internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood e.g. feeling of helplessness, guilty, anxiety, depression ? Nope.
Not going to lie, yes. I'm perfectly fine with that though, doesn't bother me at all! :)
Yes, i admit it, I can't imagine my computer without internet connection, not even 1 day. Internet is a great help for everyone.
Yes, i admit it, I can't imagine my computer without internet connection, not even 1 day. Internet is a great help for everyone.
I hate when I can't access the net from my phone!@
I'm actually trying more and more to get away from the internet and always being able to be contacted. :p

I'm not using my Twitter or Facebook account as much as I was even last year, and actually I just setup the AT feed and GF feed to my Twitter account last night :)

So we'll definitely see a few more guest/spiders on the site, and maybe even a few new users. :)
Honestly speaking, i am very much addicted of internet. Simply I cannot live without using it.
Not really, actually I'm kind of getting sick of all the internet activities that I do everyday. The thing is, I just can't leave my online activities unattended because this is where I make money.
I am pretty addicted to the internet. It's a shame, I enjoyed life more when I didn't have internet.