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Are you financially responsible?


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I know a lot of people who can't help but spend money left and right and seem to be perfectly ok living paycheck to paycheck.  As for myself, I get nervous when my checking account gets lower than $1000 and I am especially worried if I have to dip into my savings account.  I don't like feeling like I'm losing money.  I haven't experienced it yet but I really need to find a job soon to prevent it from happening in the future.  

Would you consider yourself to be financially responsible?  What are some of your money tips for others?
I like to think so, I'm enduring living at home with my parents so I can make my bank account as fat as possible (though a mute thing since I have a growing college debt) and I know how to map out my needed expanses for the month and when to have things paid by.
Sort of. I'm also really good at spending money too though. Being unemployed I've found being fiscally responsible a challenge because it feels like if you even look at something your wallet gets lighter.
Yeah. I know how to flip $100's into $1000's etc. I am also good with planning and managing money.
There are a lot of people around me don't even have 2 pennies to rub together because they blow through their money faster than they can earn it. I can't stand doing that. I am always keeping a certain amount of money in my checking account and there is more besides that in the savings account. The teller at the bank even said that I should consider investing because she noticed I keep quite a bit of money in my account all the time. So she handed me the name and number to the person at the bank that is in charge of investing.

It's all about managing your money and making sure you don't spend more money than you make. Not everyone knows how to do that and that is where a lot of people end up in trouble financially.
I am not responsible at all with my cash. I want the world so I try to buy it. That being said, I have been wanting to get a bit more responsible. While I spend money unnecessarily, I am able to live comfortably at the same time but I am an adult and I need to learn moderation.
I try to be as financially responsible as possible, right now I save pretty much all the money that I don't need for groceries or bills. Which is a fairly good chunk of money.

I am hoping to purchase a home in another year.
I could be responsible....but I need to eat a lot to keep myself strong, so I am usually spending a lot of food but it is necessary to be honest, so yeah I am pretty good with finances other than in the food department.
I still live at home, so I'm not quite sure this counts, but my income is a lot more than my expenses. I throw in a couple of hundred bucks in my savings account every month, so I always got something to fall back on.