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Are you on/have you ever been on benefits?


Mastermind Talker
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If so, which ones?

I've only ever been on job seekers allowance, and that was for about a month before I managed to get myself a job. The first time I applied for job seekers I went for my introductory interview, then turned up about one or two weeks later to find out I wouldn't get paid because apparently I was still enrolled at college (long story short, I finished all my work and was allowed to leave early). Once I had "officially" left, I signed on again, had a few more interviews and that was that.
I've never been allowed any government benefits because my earnings are too high. There used to be Child Benefit, but the UK government abolished it. I think. What seriously annoys is I pay 60% of my earnings in Tax. True I get company benefits, but not a penny and I have been in the country for years, paid my taxes and not even received a sheet of toilet paper in return.

Congratulations on getting a job! :D
Nope but I'm only 17 and therefore still leeching off of my parents, and my boyfriend who often insists on treating me :p
Nope but I'm only 17 and therefore still leeching off of my parents, and my boyfriend who often insists on treating me :p

How lovely that both should, though you shouldn't feel you are 'leeching'. Parents should give what they can to their children. But surely, you can claim an education allowance from local government towards college or whatever its called. The allowance goes towards the (terrible!) cost of textbooks etc. Can't remember its name.
How lovely that both should, though you shouldn't feel you are 'leeching'. Parents should give what they can to their children. But surely, you can claim an education allowance from local government towards college or whatever its called. The allowance goes towards the (terrible!) cost of textbooks etc. Can't remember its name.

EMA is what you're thinking of, but that's being cut and was only for people with a household income <?30k.
EMA is what you're thinking of, but that's being cut and was only for people with a household income <?30k.

Yes, 'EMA'. And, that's a real bummer. :(
Even allowing ?10K before taxes begin, people on low income find it very difficult to make ends meet. I deplore the country's government, don't get me going but my tax bill last year was horrendous and even I have a good accountant. :/
They got rid of the "college and sixth form kids get ?30 a week thing" literally the year before I started :p I was gutted.

So would I be. It's a shame that government/local government make it so financilly hard for students. And then they run up debt from uni and spend years paying back their student loan. There's an excellent forum called The Student Rooms: http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/forum.php which Alexa my oldest views. Well worth joining the TSR community. Might even be beneficial to Confab-It to link with them. ;)
Nope but I'm only 17 and therefore still leeching off of my parents, and my boyfriend who often insists on treating me :p

I wish I had one of those... Crap I mean Girlfriend, GIRLFRIEND!

Back on topic, I did for 2 weeks and then I went back to college. Then again after uni but got to the interview and told them i found a job yesterday.
Honestly it makes me feel so guilty. I know that both my parents and boyfriend, as they're employed, have every right to spend their money on what they like, including me, however I get annoyed that someone my age is struggling to support themselves.
I apply for jobs, but even ones I get interest back from its hard to take one up. My school work dominates my spare time and otherwise I want my own free time with Kirk/family. I practically have no time to earn money. I really wish I could earn it somehow because not only so I feel awful having to ask for things (my parents pay for my phone and monthly contact lenses) but it often results in me going without some things because I don't want to be demanding and my brother is always asking for things. I feel I shouldn't ask.

I'll probably just end up getting a part time job during university.
Darling , if you dont have time now, trust me. Even less time you'll have in uni... Paperworks and assignements must be done every week/month and you need to work in group so you'll have even less time.
of course it depends on the course you'll be in. For example my course only had semestral assignements but if you left them all to the end, in the end you had time for nothing so you still need to work weekly. But my friend who was doing bachelors in economics or accountancy or manegement or something like that in manchester, he barely had the time to skype with me.

So.... yeah

And i know how it's feels as i hate it too. I want to be independent as i myself am an free soul but I still can't get a job. :/
See right now I'm taking four courses so worked constantly so getting a job now isn't really ideal however I only plan on taking an English degree, I hope that at least leaves me a Saturday job. My teacher seems enthusiastic about that idea but we'll see. I hope to move out with Kirk when it's plausible so perhaps if I get a job when I'm with Kirk, all my spare time will be with him and I won't have to worry about saving weekends for him. :)
Indeed :) literature and language hopefully.
pahahahahahahha nope. you won't have time. I wanted to rip my hair off when i had literature assignements...
Every month I had to analyze some stupid poem or text or whatever... And that would be fine IF IT WEREN'T FOR DANTE AND TOLSTOI AND FREAKING GREEKS AND RUSSIANS AND ITALIANS AND EVERYONE..

Now, you may think : mine it's just english. YEAH WELL, TRY AND GO UNDERSTAND 12TH CENTURY POEMS... The professor won't translate them. He'll tell you to **** off and you have like a month do translate it, discover what the hell the author meant and write an essay on that.

That's why pretty much all my subjects regarding anyone's literature are undone XD

EDIT: your life will be at the uni's library... convince yourself that
I've never been on any type of benefits.
I was out of work for 3 years and still didn't sign on, I finally got a job and have been working for about a year now.
I honestly don't think I could ever go on benefits.
IT annoys me the fact I work so hard for my money just for some people to sit at home all day.
Obviously not everyone does that, and many people are trying for a job, it's the worthless idiots who think they can get away with it that annoys me.
Wish me luck lmfao
Yeah, currently I'm on Jobseekers Allowance.
I originally left school last year back in May, and struggled to find a College/University Placement. I decided that I wouldn't be getting into either of those, as I had been listed on a Wait List for College, and I did not meet the qualifications for the Conditional Offer from University. So I originally attempted to apply during the Summer, so I could find a job. When I applied though, I was still under Child Benefit, which wouldn't expire until September. So I was basically spent the Summer looking for work by myself.
Eventually, I applied for Job Seekers in September, but I got called for Jury Duty which lasted until October. So technically, I've been on the Brew money for about 8 months.

Personally, I don't like it. I need to have more things to do during the day - and the looking for work resulted in my depression, which has caused a lot of problems.

Fortunately, I've managed to obtain a place in college for a course in Administration, so I'm just holding out until term starts.
The only benefits I really get is EMA whilst in education. I get ?60 a fortnight for going to college but I get that because my parents are poor. I can also get meal subsidiaries, free travel and student grants. EMA, travel and I believe meal subsidiaries are from the government/council, whereas the grant is like a money pot on a first come first serve basis, you get given money to help with the expenses of college. :)