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Mastermind Talker
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i hate college

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and why can't meijer have sunkist!!!! arggggghhhhhhh
minute maid just isn't the same!!!!

did i mention i hate college :p

Disinfect your Windows Machine : ftp://ftp.linuxberg.com/pub/distributions/
Any questions? Check out the Linux Forum.
Yea college sucks man I wanna quit but I'm gonna stick it out one more semester, but after that screw school! I'd say 20 years of education is more than enough arrrrrrrrrgggggggg

My dvd list:

I don't mind Minute Maid too much, but it's best in restaurants from the fountain.

Sunkist is my favorite bottled soda, then Dr. Browns Black Cherry, then coke.

Coke is my favorite 'fountain' soda, goes well with my flank steak and pasta. :p

Wait, this is the rant forum.. You know what really urks me.. People who forget their **** brights are on, and drive around clueless not knowing that they're blinding people. =) Ya know what really REALLY urks me? People who drive around knowing they are on, and don't give a ****. Ya know what really really REALLY urks me? TNT cancelling the Babylon: Crusade tv show, just when it was actually getting *good*.

As a wise man once said.. **** them! **** them right in the ear!

Administrator / Owner / Sunkist Drinker
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
i agree
minute maid is alright as a fountain drink

and yea people who leave their brights on make me want to smash into them :X

Disinfect your Windows Machine : ftp://ftp.linuxberg.com/pub/distributions/
Any questions? Check out the Linux Forum.
i hate laundry

and i hate death ;[

Disinfect your Windows Machine : ftp://ftp.linuxberg.com/pub/distributions/
Any questions? Check out the Linux Forum.
i don't hate Asian people... but i hate the fact that they ALWAYS walk on the LEFT side of the sidewalk... i've almost flattened 100 of them with my bike. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I hate people that cut you off when you are talking!
I hate ppl with their brights on going the oposite direction and are either clueless or don't give a ****. That's a given. how about those that tailgate you and don't give a **** or slow ppl in the fast lane?! MAN get a clue!!! that's why there is a passing lane for slow asses. or even worse. slow ppl in a one way road. I can't even pass them and honking or flashing them with my bright does nothing to those clueless boogars. And to top off my rant. drives that cut you off and don't care that they nearly ran you off the road so long as they get ahead for whatever reason!!

You know what else pisses me off? Jagg-offs who want to tailgate you when you're already doing, say, 75 in a 55. I mean, if you're in that much of a hurry to get pulled over by the nearest state trooper, be my f'ing guest and go around!

As for soft drinks, it's all about those 3-litre bottles of store-brand pineapple soda, so there.

Off to Edward's... :)
Pineapple soda...

I think I'm gonna blow chunks. =)

Oh, enjoy your beverage. lol

Administrator / Owner / Sunkist Drinker
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><FONT COLOR="Brown"><FONT size="4">lol, mountain dew!!! Ooooooooohhhh we get to choose font now, 3|33+, much nicer job on all the icons Alien</FONT s></FONT c></FONT f> Insert Smiley dont seem to work
  1. Test
  2. Ing
  3. Wow
  4. This
  5. Is
  6. Cool

    My dvd list:

Currently, you cannot double click on a particular face and have it inserted yet...

As for that button, it just brings up a popup in which you can see the various codes you can use to insert them into the message. Like .confused. will give a confused face (of course, using colons instead of periods, heh.) :confused:

Stay tuned for more hacks.

Administrator / Owner / Sunkist Drinker
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
I believe that Slice has a ton of different flavors of soda, including pineapple.

I think Yoohoo is gross.
You know what I hate? Coming up behind gotroot801 only going 75 in the fast lane (POS car?) and NOT moving over to let me by. If your car can't do the speed then get the H3LL outa the way!

Oh, BTW gotroot801-
Chill, dude..

Scotty, the native people here seem friendly... (AnandTech IS Suck!)
man I been tring to graduate for 3 semesters
the ****ing red tape in college is the worst of all things
Man I hate being a Peon...

Scotty, the native people here seem friendly... (AnandTech IS Suck!)