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At The hospital


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So I'm hooked up to the pitocin and now the waiting game starts. This is baby #5 so I'm hoping it goes by quickly. I'm bored already!!!!
We're gonna have a new CW member really soon!!! :hiphip::hiphip:

Note to all: this is true dedication to CW - checking in from the acutal hospital room before giving birth. No excuses from anyone for not being able to check in with us and give us updates on your lives! :surrender:
Hoping for a quick and painless delivery!!!

Baby #5! You are a lucky lady.
Congrats,I had all 4 of mine induced and they came faster after each one..Last one took 2hrs..Enjoy.
Good Luck! Hope it goes quickly!!

Baby #5 was the second fastest for me. #4 was my fasted. 2 Hrs. #5 took 6, lol.
Thanks everyone! No drugs or epidurals for me. Contractions are currently every five minutes, not really painful yet. Just increased the pitocin.

Thankfully I've got my iPad with me. Kills some time.
Good luck! Can't wait to hear about the baby.

Do you know the sex of the baby or do you like to be suprised!!!
Wow you beat me, I wasn't on CW at the hospital in labor, was only in labor at hospital for a couple of hours and boy they were painful.

I was on within an hour or two after birth but I think you top it all. :) Hope its smooth, easy and fast!
How exciting! :bliss: Can't wait to hear news of our newest CW member!

Breathe momma, BREATHE! :lol:
Congrats! Hope ALL goes smooth. If you are having a girl, Alicia is a great name. :giggles:
I can't believe that you feel like being online.That's great that you feel so good.My experience was so not that way. All i can say is after 1 child...no way will i ever do that again.
Keep feeling good.