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Back to school-Yuck or Yeah. Please 'splain

We are going to start making lapbooks for the first time this year. I'm excited about these and want to share. These would be great even for kids in traditional schools if you are looking for something fun and educational to do with your kids (maybe you wouldn't have time during the school year - IDK - but over vacation time or next summer). I used to teach 6th grade and I think these would be great as alternative type assessments for teachers to use in traditional schools too. Kids love (well, a lot of kids) to be creative. I was originally looking at this for my 5 year old.6. Then I thought maybe this might be good for my 8 year old (ADHD). However, my 10 year old is extremely creative and no way he could be left out of this.
Here are some links.
This flower one is awesome, but almost too planned and complex for a preschooler. It looks more like something for a learning center (that the teacher made), but I do find it inspirational as I am trying to figure these out.



Only watched the first video, but that's amazing.

Hmm, wonder if my sons' daycare teacher would like it as a Christmas present or maybe a Christmas present for the other kids...I'm thinking of the homemade thread.
Only watched the first video, but that's amazing.

Hmm, wonder if my sons' daycare teacher would like it as a Christmas present or maybe a Christmas present for the other kids...I'm thinking of the homemade thread.
The way I am thinking of doing them is with the kids doing them as a way of reinforcing/remembering what they have learned so mine will be less complicated. My 5 year old is learning about taxonomy (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species) and Bernoulli, lift, thrust, aerodynamics, and drag and we are only in the first week of school. She is doing science with the 8 and 10 year olds. I'm gonna need something to reinforce those ideas! I bought the plain vanilla colored file folders and now I see how wonderful those colored ones look. Also looks like I'm gonna need a whole lot more glue.
Been pulling my hair out the last couple weeks. Between the hot and cold, DH working from home and then being out of town, last minute dr appts before school starts I really need just 5 minutes to myself. After the first week I will be missing them like crazy. DS4 will be in preschool 3 mornings a week and I am already dreaming of ways to fill that quiet time!
The way I am thinking of doing them is with the kids doing them as a way of reinforcing/remembering what they have learned so mine will be less complicated. My 5 year old is learning about taxonomy (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species) and Bernoulli, lift, thrust, aerodynamics, and drag and we are only in the first week of school. She is doing science with the 8 and 10 year olds. I'm gonna need something to reinforce those ideas! I bought the plain vanilla colored file folders and now I see how wonderful those colored ones look. Also looks like I'm gonna need a whole lot more glue.

Ken Poured Coffee On Fred's Good Shirt -- a mnemonic device to remember how biology classification is ordered. But then Domains were introduced when I was in college :dunce:
Ken Poured Coffee On Fred's Good Shirt -- a mnemonic device to remember how biology classification is ordered. But then Domains were introduced when I was in college :dunce:
The kids are using Kings Play Chess On Fine Glass Sets. They are into chess, but I like the one you have too cause I'm more into coffee.
Yeah! DS is going MWF, so leaves T/TH for us to hang out. We are going to join the MO Botanical Garden and lots of other fun activities sprinkled in between that we didn't get to do this summer since it was so hot outside. Love that I will have the chance now to work out, shop, clean, and relax without DS there.
Yeah and Yuck....I love summer...it went too fast....DD will be back in school...she knows how to irritate me at times....DS will be starting his EMT courses...just a big change for the whole family...it takes me a while to adjust to change.
:( at what age did your kids want to stop hanging our with you?
I know it's healthly that they stop but it's sad.

I think it's a phase. My older DD didn't want to be around us from about 13-16. Now she is back. :) I think 13-16 they are really testing their freedom- we let them do more, stay out later, go to movies unattended, etc., so naturally they want that independence. I think they all come back at some point though. :)
DD14 will hang out with me if I buy her stuff, so sometimes I do just so we can have some time together. :lol: We have a lot of alone time together in the car, about 6 hours a week, but that's not "fun." :p
Yuck. I'm a teacher. :lol:

But really, I've so enjoyed the time with my kids this summer. I'm not looking forward to going back to the rigid, busy schedule that leaves us practically no family time (except dinner) during the week.

SO TRUE. You explained it well!

Yuck for me too. We were sooo busy this summer. Did not do many things we wanted to do. Softball kept us busy and now we add DD11's Poms to that and DD8 will be adding dance. I allow my children to participate in one activity at a time...sometimes they overlap. Oh and add to this Religious Ed...

Although, I do get excited to start a new year with a new class of kids at work. I'm wondering what challenges I will have this year... Which kids will steal my heart... Which parents are going to be a thorn in my side. Which parents will make me swoon...

Overall it's a yuck for now.
I will miss them, but truly believe they are all ready to go back! Maybe not back to school, but back to some type of regular schedule.

This year I only have to deal with 3 different schools! Last year it was 4 kids in 4 schools and it was not a good time. Too much to remember!
:( at what age did your kids want to stop hanging our with you?
I know it's healthly that they stop but it's sad.

DD has always had a strong personality to say the least....I don't ever really remember her wanting to hang with me. The only thing she wanted from me each day was a hug, kiss and a tuck in when she went to bed. That does not happen all the time now because I go to bed before her....but she does like taking her frustrations out on me.....does that count as hanging out/quality time? LOL

DS much sweeter....I still find him at the age of 18 wanting to kinda hang with me....I guess it depends on how he is feeling that day....a little reassurance that I am still there for him...but sometimes I think it is because he is short on $$ and needs gas for the car...LOL

I <3 teenagers!
YUCK!!!!! i cannot wait to spend time with my kids as soon as the awaken in the morn. i sit pitifully home all day long when they are gone just waiting for the bus to drop them off and for all the stories of what they did all day in school. i hate how they pick up a disrespectful/snotty attitude when the are in school all year. i will miss them woefully.
YUCK!!!!! i cannot wait to spend time with my kids as soon as the awaken in the morn. i sit pitifully home all day long when they are gone just waiting for the bus to drop them off and for all the stories of what they did all day in school. i hate how they pick up a disrespectful/snotty attitude when the are in school all year. i will miss them woefully.

Anyone else think she's crazy? :hides: :9:
I will miss them, but truly believe they are all ready to go back! Maybe not back to school, but back to some type of regular schedule.

This year I only have to deal with 3 different schools! Last year it was 4 kids in 4 schools and it was not a good time. Too much to remember!

:eek: WHY?!!!
Anyone else think she's crazy? :hides: :9:
they are just at the perfect age for enjoying their company. we do midnight walks around town with the lil varmint dog and talk about life, current events and things in the news, goals and their futures. it is always fun and enlightening. we also enjoy pranking our friends on occasion after dark. ya know, like moving things around their yards or putting up random signs. i will miss our late night walks because they will be getting up at 5;30 again soon.
Oh.....I don't know.....my Mom always said she couldn't wait for us to get home from school. She missed us! And she still does now that we are both married and not living at home anymore. And we visit a lot! We are all very close. It's wonderful!!!! DD won't start school until next year, but I am already dreading it. She makes me nuts, but I cannot imagine not having her here all day. And what if going to school changes her? Will she still be her quirky, little self????? Dreading it.........
my cousin in ohio has 12 kids, she has to drive her kids to 6 different schools every morn. apparently it is pretty messed up there. we have 3 schools here. fortunately the bus now plucks them up daily. i spent several years driving them. before the bus