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Bad eating manners

and my other co-worker licks things clean
scrapes teh sides of her yogurt container--will pick up her bowl from soup and lick..

save that crap for your own family thank you very much
and my other co-worker licks things clean
scrapes teh sides of her yogurt container--will pick up her bowl from soup and lick..

save that crap for your own family thank you very much

OMG! My DH does that and it drives me NUTS! Even worse he licks his fingers when he eats something really good...that grosses me out too...the worst thing is DD does it now too...I keep telling her it is not ladylike. DD is picking up the worst habits from DH. It drives me nuts! I often tell them both they act like they are raised in a barn! That would gross me out too focadima. It's unlikely your coworker will change though. Maybe you can eat w/your eyes closed...just tell her you are tired. :)
LOL I do love our conversations--I just cant stand to watch her eat--but when we are talking it looks like I wont look at her--duh I cant!
My uncle eats like he'll get a prize if he finishes in under 2 minutes. (I guess being second youngeest of 8 could have contributed to that.) Let's just say it's not pretty and leads to burping since it's shoveled in so fast.
:lol: My daughter is the SAME way! I lol'ed when you said it...but in person, not so much! I can't stand to eat around her...even though we pretty much have dinner together every night. It's even worse when we go out (I rarely go out to eat with her for that reason). She eats so fast (and sloppy) that for the rest of the time she picks at her plate (like finds a strand of something to pick up and eat) or looks around, hoping (and asking) to get more food.

:lol: My daughter is the SAME way! I lol'ed when you said it...but in person, not so much! I can't stand to eat around her...even though we pretty much have dinner together every night. It's even worse when we go out (I rarely go out to eat with her for that reason). She eats so fast (and sloppy) that for the rest of the time she picks at her plate (like finds a strand of something to pick up and eat) or looks around, hoping (and asking) to get more food.


It really is nasty. I'd swear sometimes more food ends up on the table than in his mouth. Luckily it's the assisted living's problem now, not mine. :giggles:
My dh goes nuts when he sees someone use their thumb to push the food onto the fork. He thinks they flunked knife skill school. I personally don't like seeing the food rambling round in the open chewers mouth.
I remember being quite shocked when my brother mentioned a mandatory short course during his first year of med school. It covered proper etiquette, good table manners, good posture, and general common courtesy. The med school made it a required course several years prior when they were disheartened by the lack of manners evident among the students. :faint:
she scrapes and scrapes and licks the spoon and then scrapes and scrapes and licks the spoon--hello it is empty as in gone--you ate it all