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Banning Children??

Should restaurants have the right to ban children?

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I agree with Rybran...um I think that's called discrimination!?!? WTF!
I know plenty of folks would would pay a premium to fly on a childless flight. Even business & first class get their share of fidgety screamers. :lol:
True. I'd pay the price especially on non-stop long haul flights or I'd be a nervous wreck when I reach destination :lol:
I would vote in the middle for this. I think each establishment can make up their own rules. If they want to be kid friendly, definitely cater for kids.

I've seen kid trashed tables. I've seen kids run rampant around the dining room and run into kitchens, etc. But, there are parents who have taught their kids well and have great well-behaved children. But kids can be kids and not listen to their parents.

I've worked in bars where people bring their baby there. What is that about?
They ban them from strip clubs. I think we should call Al Sharpton and defend their civil liberties!!!!

discrimination? really???

I think kids should be banned from movie theaters showing R rated films. Nothing ruins a film more than squealing kids & they do not belong in a theater showing violent or mature films. I can't remember the movie, but do remember being made miserable by a crying kid on a Friday night movie date. If you can't afford a babysitter, stay home!
Not so sure about restaurants, but I would like a sign like that one in the front of my house please...:lol::lol::lol:

Seriously, it is hard to vote on this one. I am one of those parents that do not take my kids out to restaurants out of respect for others. I have a 2yr old and a 3 yr old. We just took them to IHOP a couple weeks ago to see how they would behave and they did wonderful, however I know that if they were acting up, either DH or I would have taken the kids to the car as the other payed to leave. However there are parents who think that others have to deal with it.

BTW, do we really have to make this about racial discrimination??? C'mon guys... Life is too short. I know this is CW and I love this place, but I am getting tired every time I see someone starting racial discrimination whine out of any thread here.. And NO! I am not racist. I am hispanic for Gods sake!

And Georgie, I am with you. It is time we change the way we think. Not everyone is out of get us..... Sorry to sound ****ie but hate to hear people always sounding like victims...
Georgie, have you had your son tested for being color blind?

Both my boys are color blind - as is my brother - and my father was. I caught it in my sons early. My younger son is the worst - he can only see dark/light - so he insists that his pants are always blue/black so he can wear any color shirt without a problem. I taught him that early before we were sure he was color-blind.

If he calls all dark colors the same, it may be color-blindness - or it may be laziness - he doesn't want to take the time to figure it out.
I discriminate. I adore pets - dogs/cats. But I do NOT want to eat any place that allows pets. (Service animals are NOT pets.) I am glad there are laws to enforce that discrimination. I also would not eat at someone's home if I saw their pets (mostly cats) up on the kitchen counters. UGH, gross. Those kitten feet have been digging in litter. Sorry, I don't want children's feet or butts on counters either. Those feet and butts run around outside, sit in the dirt, etc.

As far as discrimination goes, it's not such a bad thing. It's only bad when it's used to hurt someone or groups. Unfortunately, that word "discrimination" has taken on new meaning and is used to denote harmful discrimination. We all discriminate every day in all aspects of life. We smell a piece of meat and decide it doesn't smell right so we don't eat it - that's discrimination. We hear someone in the market swearing and cursing and finger pointing at a small crying child and we decide s/he isn't the kind of person we want to get to know - that's discrimination. Keeping a playground area for use by 3-5 year olds IS discrimination against the 2 yr olds or the older kids, but it is for the protection of the children.

I have a problem with racial discrimination. As do most of us - but excluding someone from somewhere is not always a bad thing.
Georgie, have you had your son tested for being color blind?

Both my boys are color blind - as is my brother - and my father was. I caught it in my sons early. My younger son is the worst - he can only see dark/light - so he insists that his pants are always blue/black so he can wear any color shirt without a problem. I taught him that early before we were sure he was color-blind.

If he calls all dark colors the same, it may be color-blindness - or it may be laziness - he doesn't want to take the time to figure it out.

He is actually getting better now... As he is getting older he distinguishes better... Especially now that he has started Kindy. Everytime I would tell him no... that's brown, or blue, or whatever... He would insist NO, it's black. Guess it's different when you get in school and the teacher and kids are all calling it sumtin else.

And he has said for a long time his favorite color is black... So he just needs to call everything dark.. black!
If a restaurant wants to alienate potential customers by banning children, that's their right (provided it doesn't break the law). There are tons of restaurants out there so move on to the next one that meets your needs.

I think a more middle of the road approach such as "loud behaviour by child or adult will not be tolerated" would score on both sides.

I see a lot of larger restaurants sit parents with children in one part of the restaurant and those without in another area. Perfectly fine by me - I don't have to police my child as much. However, the down side to this is that I do bring sufficient items to keep my young one busy and quiet so sitting in an area with children who are not doing the same gets on my nerves too. Can't we all just use some common sense?

In regards to parents tuning things out... I was at Walmart two weeks ago and heard this child screaming and crying over and over and over several isles over. As I made my way to the front of the store, I saw mom with the baby... and she had her iPod in her ears as she blissfully shopped away. Are you kidding me????
I think I've talked about this before, but how do you peeps feel about convience stores putting signs on their doors like this: "No more than 2 students at a time"? Our corner store has this and I always see kids waiting outside. My kids always go with me, but having lived in this hood for over 10 years now and shopping there all the time, it will be a cold day in hell when they make MY boys stand outside!!! :ranting: (or at least the last time I shop there ;))