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bought an xbox and then returned it


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It fu<king broke the first day I got it.... WOW, what great craftsmansh|t! xbox fu<king blows **** and I will never buy anything related to xbox again such as the upcoming xbox2.
Well, aren't you the swearing type. Xbox is awesome, I've had mine for 6 months now, and I've had no problems with it.
I don't really like Xbox, but that's a pretty dumb reason to start hating it. Atleast play the games first.
Did you buy a used one or are you just making crap up?
Originally posted by sonicblue
Did you buy a used one or are you just making crap up?

I bought it brand new
I've had my Xbox since the first day it came out and have had absolutely no problems with it. But yea, that is a stupid reason to hate it.
i've heard they overheat ... then again, it was from people saying they put it in between 2 walls so the fan can't run :rollseyes
not a huge xbox fan anyway
I've had mine since release and its still ticking...now the ps2 i had as crap, that broke on me 2 times....and sony sent me a ps2 that didnt even work straight out the box lol......nice customer care there by sony!
I know my friend's xbox has frozen a couple of times out of nowhere, it didn;t over heat or anything it just froze.

Crappy boxes, always better to get a cube, much more nicer, but hey all the consoles have frozen from time to time, the PS2 probaly more than any of them but hey its made my man, its not perfect.
I've never really liked Xbox. I dont like the size, its way to big. Plus the way the controller is shaped just isnt right, looks to ****y.
not to mention where the start and select buttons are placed to... its such an odd position.
I have absolutely no problems with the controller, hardware, software, anything. The controller, in my opinion, is very good, it's easy to use, and everything is where it should be. (I'm talking about Controller S-Type)
Hmmm I'm thinkin of getting XBox or Gamecube, which is better in your opinions?
Face it, all electronic items fail.

PSone ~ Crap lens
PS2 ~ Uber crap lens
Dreamcast ~ (yet again) Crap lens
Xbox ~ Overheats (if not in enough space)
Gamecube ~ err.... looks gay
lol and the PC rules!!!! **** to the consoles!!

I bought a X-box completed Halo, walk over, and Jet Set and then gave it back and bought myself a hard drive instead hehehe