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Breast feeding publicly

Here in Australia, some shopping centres will ask parents to breast feed their child in the children's room (changeroom that has a toilet in there along with a change table and a couch) Not bad but yeah if you were toilet training your child you wouldn't want them doing that in public. As for a public toilet being used, meh I would prefer a bit of comfort rather than a smelly toilet block.
Even if they had a room that had an area for women to breast feed their child good stuff.
One of my cousins his wife had a little boy a few weeks ago. They were out shopping in Geelong and their son wanted to be fed. The only place they could do this was in the women's toilet. He is only 4 weeks old and is very cute but wanted his lunch.
It was ok for my cousin's wife because she's a shy lady who wants privacy at all times. But when there is a queue she was caught out in a stinky toilet block.
She took him to the car and breast fed him in the car.
^That's a very nice option that they have in Australia! It's a great idea for those women who prefer more privacy when breastfeeding their baby. If a woman likes breastfeeding in privacy, she should never have to be stuck in a gross bathroom to do so. The couch room is a much better choice than the bathroom.
^That's a very nice option that they have in Australia! It's a great idea for those women who prefer more privacy when breastfeeding their baby. If a woman likes breastfeeding in privacy, she should never have to be stuck in a gross bathroom to do so. The couch room is a much better choice than the bathroom.
It's always the best thing for her and her baby.
The thing is my cousin's wife is painfully shy so she prefers the privacy option. The only problem is her little son and his timing of when he wants his food... :D
What they have is a children's bathroom where you have the option of taking your son or daughter to either have their nappy changed, toilet train, or to be breast fed into this room. It's kind of like having a lounge room where it is comfortable for all. (except for the toilet and change facilities)
I don't think it should be banned, but I do think that there should be respect for others around. This means that if you are going to breastfeed in public, that you use a cloth or blanket to cover the breast area so that a breast isn't exposed. This is both for the people around in as well as the mother. Some mothers get angry if someone is staring at her breast even though she pulled it out to feed. In our society, bare breasts of women is considered a lewd act because it is public nudity. Whether or not this is right or wrong is beyond the scope of this topic, but women should know that people, men and women, are going to look. Maybe, there could be a small fine if the woman is baring all and no sanctions for covering up.
I don't see anything wrong with a woman breast feeding as long as she has things covered up. Exposing them for the public to see would be uncalled for. If you're at a restaurant go to the ladies room. Soccer field go to your car. Many places to breast feed in private without getting an audience at your exposed breasts.