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So what are your views on bullying?
Bullying is fun! : D

Nahh, just kidding, lets extend that a little.

1. Bullying is fun when you are the one who doing it, not when you are the victim.
2. Bullying isnt fun, no matter what side are you on.

The 1st category is between elementary and highschool times, almost every person in those ages will tell you that. Well, maybe they wont tell it, but they are certainly thinking like that.
The 2nd category is the more adult, mature category. Mature peoples cant overlook bullying, they are trying to avoid it or trying to help the victim out of it.

Of course, like in everything, there are exceptions here too.
I don`t think he meant school jokes bro...
Bullying is when someone does some awful things with another person just because he thinks he can. Like the serbian classes did with us back in school...

So I don`t like it. I would kick the kids who does it out from schools.
I would use my black belt kung fu to kill all school bullies! :muahaha:

Back to the point ~
I was bullied in primary school for about 6 weeks, but as soon as I told my teacher, it stopped. Telling might make you sound like a grasser, but it certainly deals with the bullies good and proper.
McStormify said:
Back to the point ~
I was bullied in primary school for about 6 weeks, but as soon as I told my teacher, it stopped. Telling might make you sound like a grasser, but it certainly deals with the bullies good and proper.
What a snoop! -.-
: D
Usually the bullies become even more agressive if you do that btw. o_O
McStormify said:
What's a snoop? o_O
McStormify said:
What's a snoop? o_O
One who always runs to his parents/mothers/cops and tell other's secrets/wrongdoings to them. : P

Btw, dictionary is your friend! : P
Bullying to me, will never get dealt with like it's supposed to... you always here stories in school about what happen to who...or what or if or something... But even though schools bring this to attention... I feel like that there not really doing anything about it
Bullies are nothing but cowards, when you see a bully on their own give them the finest smack in the jaw they have ever had trust me it works ;-)
Robi said:
Bullies are nothing but cowards, when you see a bully on their own give them the finest smack in the jaw they have ever had trust me it works ;-)

lol, will try it
well bullying comes usuakky from pepole who are cowards,have something missing or just for pleasure