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Bush: Liar or Dumb????

Personally as a person of the uk and not america! I should like to put my opinion across.

Everyone has an opinion on Bush, wether you like him or hate but it is stupid and ****ing a waste of time to be fighting about it over the internet! im 14 and understand this perfectly...yes people have made good points. But this is only a forum not a slagging competition and thought you were adults??? please do grow up


btw thats my opinion ^^^^
Responding to Nightwolf04…

but it is stupid and ****ing a waste of time to be fighting about it over the internet

Why wouldn’t it be a waste of time IRL? On the internet, you can think a lot clearer and find the facts before you post unlike IRL where one has to come up with rebuttals at the moment type basis. Arguing online helps stimulate one’s mind and the arguing is sharper and clearer, you’re able to evacuate much better. On online, there’s none of that “Oh if only I would’ve said that I would’ve completely shot down his argument.†either.

The assumption that arguing online is stupid is also the assumption that no one changes their mind over the internet. One would think it was the exact opposite, as IRL arguments the emotions tend to rise a lot more faster, speech can tend to fail, you’re saying arguments on the moment and it’s a lot harder to dominate one’s underlying principals of the matter especially if they can’t present their own case like they could online since they don't have the time to think about every detail just like you.

im 14 and understand this perfectly...

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry by that.
ohh leave her alone she has a point about the flaming but you also have a point arguing on the internet, yes you can think clearer - generally, but there is still no excuse for insulting people be it IRL or on the internet.
thansk insane cyborg but it still is childish :) you have a point but it's still stupid and getting angry at people over something over the internet is pointless :) as i said it was 'just my opinion' you don't have to take it seriously so kindly don't find it funny that I'm 14 otherwise that would indeed make you stupid
I have to agree that I find it easier to debate on the Internet. I have an opportunity to think about my position, time to type it, and then time to correct it, all BEFORE you read it. I don't have those luxuries when I debate verbally.

As far as you being 14, I wouldn't laugh at that. Heck, I am IMPRESSED AS HELL! Had you not told us, I would not have thought you were "Only" 14. You speak very well, better than some adults I know, and you hold your own in a debate against people two to three times your age. Bravo! ;)
Thanks GoingNova it's nice to be seen like that :p. Lol yes I'm 14 otherwise I wouldn't have put it :0 and That's mostly how I always argue....I was jsut putting my other comment down because someone was being 'ganged up on' and I don't think that was entirely fair as it is after all only a debate...
Political bashing... so much fun. So tiring though. Still, it's great to see that there are still some people with the intellect to challenge authority by questioning the ignorance of our esteemed leader. Not the angle I would've taken for criticism (there's just so much to target), but I hate that arrogant prick in the white house regardless.
radcliffe_fan723 said:
I think he is both a liar and dumb!!!

Stupid enough to fly a jet fighter and get a master's degree from Harvard, because we know those two things are simple to do. Oh, and stupid enough to score higher on his military IQ test than John Kerry did on his.

When you say he lied, do you mean a lie as in "I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman, Ms Lewinsky" lie? Or did you mean a lie as in the entire world thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, but lets only blame Bush for thinking he did. I wasn't sure. Please clarify.
You Go, Angry!! How the hell can the American people call George W. a LIAR after the predecessor he had!! Clinton was then and is now one of the (I can't leave out JFK, now can I?) biggest liars, cheats and crooked politicans ever! To say that GWB is DUMB just proves that a person is listening to what they're told by someone who doesn't like Bush - spend some time and read about this guy! There's nothing dumb about him.