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I noticed someone started a thread about bodybuilding, so I figured, if bodybuilders get a thread, so do us bodyWEIGHTERS!

A little backstory on me is I used to be a hardcore weightlifter until about 2 years ago when I really tried calisthenics as a work out. Since then I've lost about 50 pounds, but I'm a LOT leaner and more vascular and toned then I ever was with weights. This isn't to say calisthenics don't build muscle, because I am a strong believer that they do. The reason I lost so much weight is because I really stepped up my cardio in the past couple years as well, realizing I want to be fit, not big.

Anyways, if anyone else here loves calisthenics feel free to share your story or just post your workouts or whatever!

And if anyone has any questions for me feel free to ask :D
I used to be a big weightlifter too about 6 years ago. Now I mainly exercise for cardio. Not interested in being "big" anymore. Never got involved in the supplement craze, kept it natural.
Yeah, you and me both. I'm sure some supplements are healthy, but from what I've seen most contain some pretty shady ingredients that I have a hard time believing can be good for you. Cardio is the way to go though..being fit trumps being big any day.
I mostly use protein powders only, which are not really 'supplements' (unless you would also call chicken breast a supplement). I totally agree with you that overall health is by far the most important reason to exercise!

What are your favorite calisthenic exercises?

I've been doing dips and pullups and can finally do ten sets of ten of each.
I mostly use protein powders only, which are not really 'supplements' (unless you would also call chicken breast a supplement). I totally agree with you that overall health is by far the most important reason to exercise!

What are your favorite calisthenic exercises?

I've been doing dips and pullups and can finally do ten sets of ten of each.

Yeah I take whey protein powder as well, but I don't really consider that a supplement, although a lot of people do!

I mainly do pushups, inverted pushups, dips, and about 5 variations of pullups and chinups

Nice job with the 10 pullups and dips! You're in a minority of the population ;P A lot of people can't even do one pullups! And that applies to a lot of the weight lifters as well
Protein powder is overrated if you eat a well balanced diet. That is all I am going to contribute tonight. I am tired. lol
Protein powder is overrated if you eat a well balanced diet. That is all I am going to contribute tonight. I am tired. lol

Lol well it was a good contribution! I do agree with it for the most part too, but as a college student I don't have a lot of options, so it gets the job done ;P
Dips and Pullups are definitely the foundation of a good calisthenics program.

With protein powder, I really only use it because of the cost. Compared to buying meat, it is SO much cheaper. Because I'm in a hurry most of the time, it also saves me some time cooking and just generally makes my life easier.

I hope to one day be able to do a muscleup, I'm close but can't quite get it at this point. Those are to me, the most incredible bodyweight exercise.
Muscle up? Like an impossible pushup?

A muscleup is basically a combination pullup and dip.


This guy makes it look easy, but these are VERY VERY difficult.
I've never tried calasthenics, it sounds interesting though and definitely more appealing than body building.
Most everywhere. A public restroom isn't a great place for it:p

What?! A public toilet is a GREAT place to do handstand pushups! Just grab ahold of either side of the rim and you have a nice little slot for your head to go to on the down parts!
I've never tried calisthenics, but I'm sure it's very effective as long as your gaining weight to progressively overload your muscles.
Muscleups are hard as crap... What inspires me for calisthenics is the videos of the black people in the ghetto doing variations of pullups and ab work in jungle gyms. That is pretty cool stuff.
I workout with weights and I plan to add some of the calisthenics workout in the future like handstand pushups, one-arm pullup, one-arm pushup, muscle up and some of the amazing calisthenic exercise into my workout. Would be interesting.
I like to use calusthenics as part of my weight training programme. 50 lbs is a lot of weight, you must have lost a lot of hard-earned muscle in the process.

The calisthenic kings on Youtube lift heavy weights, their huge muscles are not from bodyweight exercises alone.
I give props to these guys with functional strength. I don't think any body builder is able to do what they guys do with their body weight. It's very hard to actually build a strong core that is able to handle body weight exercises. These guys do have great strength that takes years to develop.