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ISO a fry cook with a tandem bike
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I need a new one and will be doing the necessary research ('cause that's what I do) but in the meantime, does anyone have any tips, suggestions or recommendations?

I have a little digital pocket Cannon something-or-other someone gave us as a gift a few years ago and it's handy because of it's size. I have a good ole' film camera that takes much better pics, but it's a pain because well, it's film.

Ideally, I'd like the best of both worlds. A kick-patootie digital pic. that's not going to set me back oodles of noodles. Suggestions?
{grumbles} Even though they laid me off... I am still a BIG fan of Canon. I have had many other brands and ALWAYS go back to the Powershot line. Just stay FAR away from the touch screen... not so good yet.
Cool, thanks. I had one waaaay back. I remember the night it ZAP'd and gave a little poof of smoke and then died. It was in the rain during fireworks downtown. Nice little camera up until then. :giggles:

Anyone else with tips/suggestions? Megapixels, techno-this and techno-that, or ya'll gonna make me do the hard-core research?

Oh, and sorry 'boud the layoff from them, Piggers. Nice you're still a fan anyway.
I'm happy with my Canon PowerShot, although by today's standards, it's a dinosaur.... only 5.0 megapixels :pout:

If you want to see how the pics look, go check out a Jewel ad :lol: or Dominick's :lol: or WT pics :lol: or .......
LOL, yes. I do believe I'm familiar with their work...


I liked the pics that Andy's Towing posted (Andy Stowing from WI for everyone else, lol) but she said they were taken by a pro, so I'm going to guess that's equipment out of my range (skill & price.)

Meh...maybe I'll look and see what Target has on sale.


I have a Canon Powershot SX10 and I use it in my business. It doesnt have removable lenses. It has a kick **** zoom, tho, and can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. I think I take pretty great pics with it :) Its 10 MP and costs about 350 bucks.
I love my Pansonic Lumix. My hubby got it for me for Christmas and so far I have no complaints. It was the middle range one, so not really expensive. I think we paid around $100 for it. The battery life is awesome. I spent a week in Florida and charged my battery once. I took a ton of pictures too so that was really nice. The picture quality is really good and I have lots of options with it too. Happy researching!
Canon does make quality stuff. The Kodak cameras are pretty easy to use and durable. I bought a Z712 IS with a 12x zoom on it and it is mostly what I need.

Something that I would recommend to anyone taking photos is using the levels feature in GIMP (free program similar to Photoshop) for editing pictures. It makes a big difference because the camera rarely gets the light quite right for photos.

Take a look at the photo below:


The left side is what it looks when you use levels and the right side is what it looks like when you don't use levels.
oooh, thanks for all the info- i'm looking to get a new one too. i have a canon slr camera, but have noticed its harder to find film anymore. the pics come out awesome, but as its getting older, the batteries dont last as long, and if battery is running low, pics start getting less clear.
I too am researching a new digital point & shoot and keep coming across Nixon Cool Pix. I haven't bought one yet, but I think that's what I'm going to go with. I have previously owned two Sony Cyber-shots and frankly, I'm ready for something new.
Some people just want a tiny camera that has 9 megapixels. If size is the most important thing it's almost better just to use a cellphone. But I think it's better to go with something a little bigger with a good zoom. You can regularly find excellent used cameras on eBay or Amazon for under $200.