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Can you draw?

It takes 10,000 to become a master at any craft. One thing that has always been true is 'If you think can't draw, you are wrong; If you think you can draw, you are probably wrong.'

Its a case of lots of practice and understanding simple theory. Me personally, i hate drawing but I'm getting better at it. I'm probably a third of the way there on the 10,000 hours thing.
Made a thread here with my artwork in, if anyone's interested. :eek:
Yes, I can and I'm pretty good at it too. Sometimes I get in a funk and nothing comes out right, but other times I do a bunch of awesome stuff in a row... then it's right back to the funk.

Been drawing since I could pick up a pencil, and thanks to my nigh-constant doodling during class time in school I got pretty good at it.
I can draw, and I love it. I have been drawing ever since I learned to make marks on a paper with a pencil. I do it everyday if I can, and I have posted some of my artwork here. I usually just draw Lion King, but ever since I found out I have a knack for drawing other animals I have been trying to work on my wolf anatomy a bit. And after I master that, who knows what else I can do? Also, I like drawing in cartoon style, as drawing realistic things takes more effort and patience than I have. lol
I can draw stick guys. Not sure if that is what you call them or not. lol
I can draw - but it takes me so long for it to be good. Quick doodles are fine if it is on a computer with a program that fixes your lines (Illustrator). I once drew Hugh Laurie years ago, it took me so long to copy every single line from a photograph. I was at senior school at the time, and I think overall it took me over a month to complete it.
I seriously cannot draw anything except a T-Shirt, A sideways Car, A horrible aeroplane and some boxes and squares. That's about it. I used to draw half decent when I was in High school but its been more than 4 years now and I am terribly out of practice. I thought of starting a blog where I publish my art (whatever I can manage) and then let friends critique my work. This would make me correct the mistakes but due to lack of time and other work commitments I still haven't materialized that idea.

If only there were more than 24 hours in a day :(
Nope. I used to think I could when I was younger, looked at some old drawings now and they were about as good as any other 8 year olds XD.
Nope. I used to think I could when I was younger, looked at some old drawings now and they were about as good as any other 8 year olds XD.

[MENTION=1748]Trilient[/MENTION] So how do you rate that? Are you out of practice or the artist in you never really grew up :p
everyone can draw; it's just a skill that takes a lot of time to develop, haha.
if you can write, you can draw.

I disagree with this. If "anyone" could draw, people wouldn't pay the exorbitant prices they pay for other people to draw things for them. Being able to draw well is a talent that not just any or everyone has. Being creative is not something everyone possesses.
I used to be able to draw quite well when I was younger. From a picture or a sketch or a photograph, I could draw almost anything. From my own imagination I could draw many things. As the years passed and I didn't keep up with it, my talent faded some. I could pick up a pad and pencil and only with serious effort could I make something aesthetically pleasing, but if I tried, I could usually manage it.
Now when I try, I can barely make sense out of anything I try to draw. The TBI that I suffered in the wreck I had has apparently destroyed any talent I may have had previously.
I still sit and try to draw once in a while, when the mood strikes me, but it's a total fluke when I can make something even recognizable.
Honestly, I think it's rather irresponsible to say that anyone can draw. If people were to believe that, then they sat down to draw and found they couldn't, they could possibly suffer rather extreme self-doubt, wondering what is wrong with them that they can't draw, when anybody should be able to do so.
Probably not all artist have a gifted talent, that they did get from their parents or from God as well. I'm actually not good at drawing as well, but you can try starting from the basic, because some artist have started from the basic and work they way to the top. You can try tracing other drawings or you can just draw what's on your mind or your own idea, or you can drawing anything that caught your eyes.