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Can you speak other languages?

I can speak English... kind of. :p My native language is Hungarian. I know a few words / sentences in German.
Only English.

I did do German for 3 years and I just finished GCSE French... but I was always so rubbish I don't think it really counts o_O
German defo not fluent and one or two words in spanish guess them :p
I used to be able to read and type some spanish, but I've lost even what little I knew. Foreign language never was my thing I guess. :p
Filipino, English. Right now I'm studying Japanese. Yes, I'm a Japanese girl who sucks at speaking Japanese.
I can speak Taiwanese Mandarin and Japanese decently. I study both at university and have been learning them for a while. I can also make sense of Dutch reasonably well provided it's not beyond basic.

Unfortunately, it looks like you can't type in Mandarin or Japanese characters on this forum. It just comes up as question marks.

Edit: Oh yeah, if anyone speaks any of the languages I mentioned, feel free to message me. I'm always looking for people to practice with and so on. :welcoming:
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English, Portuguese, Spanish, French. I can also speak a little bit of Danish, but that's about it.
Gratuitous German and Spanglish is about as much as I know. I don't really learn languages that well. lol
Hence I've forgotten most of the ASL (American Sign Language) I knew. And I don't even have to speak that.
Can you speak another language, or are you learning one?

Are you fluent in any languages? Which?
Are you learning any languages, or planning to?

I've gone through a whole range of different language interests. Two years ago I was very interested in Mandarin and Japanese (I still have the books if anyone wants them :p), and then I started getting interested in European languages instead like Spanish and French. I've only recently decided that I want to learn German but we'll see how long that lasts before I change my mind again...
My native language is Hungarian. I speak English quite well... I guess. XD; I'm trying to improve my English. I know a few words / sentences in German and Japanese (because of anime, lol).
Fluent in Irish.
Almost fluent in German.
Also learning Japanese which is a load of ****e.