You can't have it both ways. If money can get you off then lack of funds can get you convicted regardless of guilt. Public defenders are overworked and many are less motivated than are lawyers getting paid by the client. A bad defense coupled with overzelous police and you have a conviction on your hands.
Not to mention the fact that if you accept the system you describe that sets the rich free then there is a double standard and bias. The rich don't have to worry about the death penalty. A very stereotypically Republican way of thinking (apologies to those Republicans who disagree, this is a generalization and unfair to many of you).
IMHO capital punishment is only justifiable in a perfect system with infallible judges, police, scientists, juries and even methods of execution. We aren't at that point and I do not believe will be. (Unless the pope wants to be judge, jury and executioner
. He does have that infallibilty thing going for him.
Of course he did recently apologize for that Galileo thing and the Nazi stuff so maybe we should hold off on him too.)
Bottom line, show me ultimate proof that a person is guilty and that the scales of justice are 100% equal for all citizens and maybe we have something. But this cannot be shown, for it doesn't exist. Imprisonment is one thing, but killing someone because you think you have proven that person guilty in a court full of biases isn't enough.
Death is a certainty once it happens, I would demand an equal certainty from my government for them to cause it in this manner.
Plus, I would still argue that there is no advantage to the death penalty. There is no deterent and it is not cheaper. I guess it is good for personal vengeance, but I don't think the government should be in the business of vengeance.
my eyes, the goggles do nothing