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Cell Shaded or Not


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What does everyone think of cell shading in games? I think it isn't such a bad idea if used in games that are less serious along the lines of Sly Cooper yet would like to see cell shading stick only to those games. Games like Dark Cloud 2 make cell shading look descent but would you rather it be more realistic or like a cartoon? When serious RPG's and games like that start using cell shading I think that will cross the line, we need to be traditional with games that have a deeper meaning to them-
True, but in my opinion, I think everything can be cel-shaded, if done properly. Looking like a cartoon does not necessarily make it "less serious". Take action comics for example. If done right, it can set moods such as suspense or hair-raising action. But it would be a more serious setting. Cel-shading to me is an astonishing feat that should be used in many more games to come, and really should be explored even more in the next-gen consoles.

The Xbox2 graphics on the other hand look way too plasticy IMO, and I personally don't care for them at all. :( (I don't remember where I saw them, but there were screenshots showing off the Xbox2's graphical prowress. There was some woman in this funky costume, and the whole scene just looked very fake. And I'm not bashing on the xbox, I just haven't seen any "PS3" shots or Nintendo shots yet to compare)
If you're on about that new Zelda game, I woulda preferred if they made it like thet first showed.
That is, realistic.
I LOVE cel shading. Cel Damage was alright, Jet Set Radio Future was one of the greatest games I've ever played, and Zelda was meant to be cel shaded, especially for this kind of adventure.
Sorry the first game that kicked it off was Jet-set-radio for the dreamcast then everybody slowly followed thembecause tehy knew it was the way to go for a more 'flexible' game
Originally posted by Lord Lupus
If you're on about that new Zelda game, I woulda preferred if they made it like thet first showed.
That is, realistic.

Yes, of course I'm talking about zelda (and others). In order to sustain originality, it's time for more developers to start thinkin' outside the box. ;) 3D is overused. Time for something new.

And Zelda WW is an original title. *Nintendo places thoughts outside of box* New Zelda becomes cel-shaded. Fits perfectly. Well done.
cel shaded games are the type of games that the game's nature has to fit it properly in order for it to look good. You just can't create a game like Metal Gear Solid cel shaded. Games such as Sly Cooper and the like (that actually fit with the cel shaded concept) are cool...
I'm sure that if they made it just right, MGS would like alright cel-shaded.
i've never played a cel shaded game, but i have done cel shading in photoshop to some serious photos and it doesnt take away from it 0_o
Cel shading rocks. Realism sucks. If I want realism, I'll go outside.
Originally posted by Sard0nica
What does everyone think of cell shading in games? I think it isn't such a bad idea if used in games that are less serious along the lines of Sly Cooper yet would like to see cell shading stick only to those games. Games like Dark Cloud 2 make cell shading look descent but would you rather it be more realistic or like a cartoon? When serious RPG's and games like that start using cell shading I think that will cross the line, we need to be traditional with games that have a deeper meaning to them-

I think it's cool but since I'm a liar you probably wouldn't believe me haha
I don't mind the cel-shading, at least I didn't in the latest Zelda game anyways. If the chibi is alright, the framerate is smooth, I don't have any preference over say a "graphically realistic" type of game. It all depends how the graphics are displayed when you are playing the game.
I forgot you havent known him for that long faint :p . Well for me cell shading is good if it goes along the artistic vision of the game (JSRF) not if it is just used because of the trend.
Well, now that I watched a few videos of Cel-Damage, I'm not sure I like it as much as I used to. I like the style of cel-shading they used on the Wind Waker best, and hope that companies decide to develop their games in that style of cel-shading in the future.
Cell shading definitely has its place as long as it's implemented well, like it was in Wind Waker. For example, what I've seen so far in that new Mega Man game for Gamecube (lord help me if I remember the title) is what I consider to be an example of cell shading gone wrong. Robotech: Battlecry was a good cell shaded game as well, and I strongly look forward to Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7, and XIII.
To tell you the truth, I absolutely despise cel-shading. It just doesn't look right. I'd much rather have realistic graphics...
I think cel-shading is quite cool, I mean at least its a change from your normal game gfx.