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Cheating or having Affairs?

Okay yeah, but so in most generic cases (like when you as an outsider in this, don't or you can't precisely know "what" triggered the boyfriend/husband's cheating, or being unfaithful to his gf/wife. Then you (as a judge in court or marital counsellor hired by the couple) has to speculate about the reasons why behind the cheating & who's guilty in such an unclear situation for you as the one having a cheating case in your hands. If not, how can you (in this position) pronounce anyone (the husband & the other woman) in the situation as "guilty"? Or the husband as "more guilty" than "the temptress..."
A judge in court? Seriously?

If I was hired as a marital counsellor i'd have a hell of a lot more knowledge of what has taken place than what you have given, which is nothing by the way.
Well, thing is : you can't have more details, you only got what's there (because of whatever reasons : don't have the time to dig more info, couple refuses to tell you what happened & how) but you have to pronounce someone as guilty "anyways"? Then what? You'd be stuck & won't make a decision?
Both are guilty then if they refuse to tell what happened.

And no offence Naiwen, but this is a pretty stupid scenario that has a pointless answer.
Well then let us settle down a while. A great debate between you both, i hope others too join in.
GamerPerfection said:
Both are guilty then if they refuse to tell what happened.

And no offence Naiwen, but this is a pretty stupid scenario that has a pointless answer.

But can happen in real life, eh? Such people are stupid, not me. & you can be in this case or whatever irl too. What are you gonna say or
tell them? "I'm sorry, but this is too stupid for me to make a decision or to properly counsel you, help you?" I got this one from a short Youtube clip, recorded by random users, so yeah.
I'm not saying that's what i'd say to them. A professional marriage counsellor cannot come to a judgement on what is to blame or what is at fault without knowing the circumstances. The professional cannot do anything without knowing the circumstances.

How can you not understand that someone cannot make a judgement if all you say is the man cheated on the woman. It's dumb to think you can make a judgement on something with no information.
Yep... but sometimes, all you've got is little to no information at all & you have to act on this only? & yes people make dumb mistakes like
this in real life. What you gonna do? How will you fix it or "make it okay again" for them (them presumed couple) if you were the pro-relationship counsellor? Anyone else'd like to answer this?