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Chicago Trib inserts?


have about 3-4 inches
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Bloomington-Normal IL
SO... I thought there were multiple inserts this weekend...

I only got a Smartsource in my papers... wasn't there a Red Plum this weekend too? Or am I all confused??
same across town Jen, not just you. NOT.HAPPY.AT.ALL

On a positive, they finally got it up on my deck and not out at the edge of the drive, but I would've been a lot happier to have walked and gotten the RP
What the heck is going on!?

There IS A REASON I subscribe to the Tribune - not the Pantagraph!
I was hoping that this week it was just an oversight on a paper or two, but I've heard the same thing from several ppl in B-N all without the RP

Seriously, this is ridiculous. Any word about the papers at the store? Wondering if it's all over again or just home delivery.
No one in Blm-Normal got both inserts via the Trib. The Pantagraph does have both inserts this week.

When I inquired previously, I was told there was a printing error, but for it to happen again makes me wonder if they aren't cutting costs and just not printing as many -- remember when our local paper didn't get RP for several months?!
Yep - I remember when the Pantagraph only got the SS (the thin version)...

If the Trib is gonna be without for a few months - I'm thinking I am gonna put my account on hold or cancel. If I am gonna have to purchase full inserts from the internet anyhow...

Wonder if we can get any "compensation" for not getting all the coupons...
On a positive, they finally got it up on my deck and not out at the edge of the drive, but I would've been a lot happier to have walked and gotten the RP

Lucky! Mine is always almost in the road. :rolleyes:
Mine are always on my porch... which I am grateful for! But sometimes I have to call the district guy to get my "extras"... I subscribe to 4 copies and usually get them... sometimes I only get 1 though...

No complaints on where I find them... just on the missing coupons! LOL
All the coupons were in the Tribs I got yesterday at Menards. In one of them I got an extra SS. I hope this all gets worked out for you guys.
No one in Blm-Normal got both inserts via the Trib. The Pantagraph does have both inserts this week.

When I inquired previously, I was told there was a printing error, but for it to happen again makes me wonder if they aren't cutting costs and just not printing as many -- remember when our local paper didn't get RP for several months?!

felt like it was a full year without the RP in the Pantagraph... although the pared down version we get is hardly worth the hassle anyway.

I'm gonna give it two more weeks, regardless of any response they give, and wait and see if it stays consistent. If so, I'll likely put a hold on my delivery.
Ouch! You guys have really been getting shorted!
Last week I got 4 inserts for DuPage but I live in Chicago. Of course none of the schick or windex were in those. So I called to complain and this guy will supposedly credit my acct. I was so frustrated I told him there is no reason for me getting a subscription if I have to go buy them to get the coupons I want.
This week got all the right ones but not all sales inserts are in all papers.
They need to get there act together.
Here's the response I got from the Trib...
Dear Ms. Hill,

Thank you for contacting the Chicago Tribune. We appreciate your interest and readership.

We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you. Our advertisers choose where to place their ads by zip code and sometimes by street within the zip code. Some advertisers may have decided to not advertise in your zip or sub-zip code at this time. This may change depending on their media buying schedules or budgets.

Please contact us at consumerservices@tribune.com if you have additional questions
or comments. We value your opinion.

Thank you again and have a great day!

Interactive Service Team
Chicago Tribune

Maybe some consumers will decide, by zip code or by street within the zip code, to no longer subscribe to the Trib.

Maybe some consumers will decide, by zip code or by street within the zip code, to no longer subscribe to the Trib.

I agree!

My question is... if it's by zip code - why am I still getting it in the Pantagraph?

Anyone know how long they will let you have your account on hold? I'm thinking I might put it on hold for a few months and see if they return to the Trib. That's what happened to the Pantagraph.

That way I could keep my $0.50 a week rate too...
Just found this site while snooping around online for a place to complain to Vlassis. You can check and see what "local" papers are getting a RP insert by typing in your address:


I just emailed this message to printadvertising@redplum.com

"I am writing to express my great disappointment upon hearing my local paper will no longer be carrying your coupon inserts. Often times I would buy multiple copies of the paper in order to receive your coupons. There are many stores that will not accept internet printed coupons. Please reconsider the decision to pull coupons from newspapers across the country.

I am shocked at your decision to remove the Red Plum (and Proctor and Gamble) coupon inserts from the Chicago Tribune that is sold in my area. I will be cancelling my subscription to the Chicago Tribune because of this decision.

I signed up to receive your home mailing of the coupon inserts and have NEVER received any (I signed up LAST YEAR).

Please respond with a resolution suggestion. Thank you!"
I bought 4 papers from 1 Menards - 2 of them had all Ads' - Q - 2 of them were short 1/2 the Ads and only had a smartsource - SO I think it was a error at the Trib but that is just me
And this email to the Chicago Tribune customer service at consumerservices@tribune.com

"I am writing to express my great disappointment upon hearing my locally delivered paper will no longer be carrying these coupon inserts. Often times I would buy multiple copies of the paper (in addition to those being delivered) in order to receive your coupons. There are many stores that will not accept internet printed coupons.

I am shocked at the decision to remove the Red Plum (and Proctor and Gamble) coupon inserts from the Chicago Tribune that is sold in my area. I will be cancelling my subscription to the Chicago Tribune because of this decision. I also know of many people in this area who are also cancelling due to this decision. I recommend for the Chicago Tribune to discuss with Vlassis the possible solutions to this problem, or you will be losing quite a lot of business.

Please respond with a resolution suggestion.

Thank you!"