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Now I have arguments regulary about Nintendos child-friendly / childish Image.....I was told recently that they were trying to make it into the hardcore gamers arena, and get rid of their image as creators of yoshi and mario, though even more recently, I was told that they decided "hey! forget that.....let's stick with the kids"....

what is going on now?

If you ask me the Gamecube is (apart from games like RE) basically a console with a huge pile of childish annoying little games that 10 year-olds might find cool, but that simply piss me off......

Sure there might be the occasional "serious" game, though the majority is child-focused. Even the Intro when you start a game (the cube jumping round with the lovely music in the background) seems a little pathetic to me.....

what are your opinions....is the gamecube a little toy for ol' jonny and his friends?

Dear youthinkso,

I do not want to sound rude, but I find your opinion nearly completely blatant and false.

If you ask me the Gamecube is (apart from games like RE) basically a console with a huge pile of childish annoying little games that 10 year-olds might find cool, but that simply piss me off......

Is Nintendo broadening their perspective by offering games that are fun for 10-year olds? Sure. Are they lightening their mascots up a bit so it's not just appealing to teens and young adults? Okay, I'll agree. But to state that the console has a "huge pile of childish annoying little games" pisses ME off and just shows that you don't do a whole lot of research on GCN games. Don't make me list the games that are perfectly suited and fun for teens and more because I'm sure there are more than 25 at least. And if you think that's small, then you must be rich because buying 25 quality "teen-fun" games costs 500 dollars, and even a videogamer like me wouldn't spend that kind of money!

Sure there might be the occasional "serious" game, though the majority is child-focused.

So the game has to be serious to be appealing? You don't like fun games? Does the XBOX or PS2 have "serious" games? Oh right, they are the more mature consoles...I forgot. :rollseyes

I suppose you are entitled to your opinions, but just think more about what you said...
You have an interesting point of view there....

The reason some of my views are / were a little extreme was basically for the sake of provocation. That worked.

In any case, what I was trying to say (I guess it didn't come over that way) is that Nintendo does have a childish image, and attempts to move to more mature audiences have (mostly) failed, basically due to their childish past.

As for non "serious" games not being fun, you misunderstood me. Games should be fun, and they can be childish - don't get me wrong.....I enjoy playing Super Smash Bros. a lot. What I was trying to say is that Nintendo has a childish / child-friendly image, that it can't (really) get rid of even though there have been tries in the form of RE, etc.

As for Xbox / PS2 being more mature, I must say that all consoles offer games for kids, but the Gamecube seems focused on them in contrast to the others.

This thread isn't a GCN bashing thread, otherwise I would've posted it elsewhere. I didn't want to attack anyone or insult anyone, and I do apologize if you feel so (and you seem to).

I guess my try to bring a weeny little discussion in here was a bad try.
I wouldn't say that they have a 100% chilidish image, but, yeah, they do make games that particularly appeal to the younger audience. But, not every single game is like that...SSBM, Resident Evil series, Eternal Darkness, F-ZERO, Metroid Prime...games like that are a little too challenging and mature for youngsters. Look at the recent reviews for F-ZERO GX...they're calling it the toughest game on the GameCube. It's really not meant for young kids that might be too challenged by it.

So, I would have to disagree with your opinion, and, mainly agree with Ziroi's.
Hey, I'm sorry about blowing up back there shoddybuma, but your post sounded exactly like another one of those completely ignorant people out there who find the gamecube "gay" because it's purple. I'm not saying that you believe that, but it kind of made me mad that you posted that. My apologies for being too conclusive.

In any case, I don't really think the Nintendo image of being childish was carried back very far. It's "image" only carried to the Gamecube. The SNES wasn't being copped or advertised as a console for little kids. I don't think the N64 was either. It just happened that the Gamecube was given a kiddy image because of their change in views for their future. They want to broaden their age field of gamers. I think that's perfectly fine.
ZIROI THE GAMECUBE IS GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............AND CHILDISH!!!!!!!!!!!............AND....AND-SUCKS BECUASE......ummm.........ALL THE GAMES ARE KIDDY!!!!!! AND YOUR MOM'S A BED WETTER!!!!!


hehe, ok, in all seriousness, nintendo is marketed toward all gamers, young and old. Can't advertise on nickleodeon and Nintendo power without getting the kids attention. Can't be on MTV without reaching the teens. And you can't have a big huge ad in PLAYBOY and MAXIM without getting the adults attention.

Nintendo has GAMES, period, not kiddy not mature, just games that are fun to play, whether your any age. Anybody can find a good game fun, doesn;t matter who the character is or what the plot of the game is.

Granted teens and adults like blood and gore, well................... R.E series, and a bunch others I can't remember. But still we shouldn;t even start this topic, because its getting old.........."nintendo's kiddy!! -- no its not!!-- yes it is!! -- well your gay!!-- no you are cause you own it!!-- no your mom's a bed wetter!!!

See its a arugement no one can win, lets just stop the hate, and bring on the love.
I think that it has a "childish image" cause of games like pokemon channel that u watch tv for the whole thing its not even a game >_<.:(