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Cradle cap help


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So the past couple of weeks the baby now 9 weeks has has some skin issues. Out started with baby acne which seems to have subsided a little but now he has cradle cap. It is only a little on top if his head but the back of his neck, ear lobes and eyebrows have it bad! I have tried olive oil on it for 2 hours before bath and then running with washcloth it seems better for a day then it comes back. I have been bathing him every 3 days so I don't dru him out. I am not familiar because my other children never got it. There are lots of products on the market but they are expensive, anyone have any luck with a particular product? I don't mind spending the money if I know it works. any help is appreciated.
Our doctor told us to use Head & Shoulders. Seemed to work on my son. But used very little. He said a capful, but we used less.
We used safflower oil and it worked. This was 8 years ago, so there's probably something more high tech these days.
I used baby oil and let it sit for a while then took the little baby brush and gently brushed it out.
My baby now 27 had it so bad that I used the strongest OTC dandruff shampoo they made. I let it sit while I bathed him and then would rub and kind of pick it off. All the oils and stuff didn't work until I was able to get his skin clean. Than about once a week I would continue to use the dandruff shampoo to keep it in check. I have to say though now he has beautiful skin and never had acne as a teen. Must have been Gods way of making up for him having to go thru his Mother picking at his scalp. HTH
we just brushed tehir hair often with a gently scratching of the head--since ummm my babies really didnt sleep much they didnt get it too bad at all--maybe in that spot that hits the car seat!
my baby now 27 to had it bad so i used baby oil all the time and a baby brush worked keep trying.
I agree w oil and comb.

For sensi skin, try aveeno wash/lotion.
i do head and shoulders for my son (now 4 months). I rub in the h&s then take a fine tooth baby comb and comb it out while the shampoo is in it. then rinse and do it again next bath:)
Thanks everyone. Going to do baby oil seems like most agree. knew I could count on you guys and our its a cheap fix...even better!
the magic trick for me was Burts Bees Baby Oil and that surgical scrub brush that you get at a hospital. My guys were micro preemies so I had lots of access to those brushes...I'm not sure where you can get one otherwise.
I used baby oil and soft toothbrush. Grandson just had it and her doctor told her Head & Shoulders shampoo.
i used baby oil and the fine tooth comb that they give you at the hosp.
A friend that is a beautician asked me if I was using baby soap on his head---she said that is a huge cause of cradle cap---
Also---my youngest son had cradle cap etc--and they told me to go to the baby section and buy the stuff with tea tree oil--the one that is meant for babies---smells--but boy it cleared it up right away! Was wonderful and would recommend it to others. Expensive but so worth it! Much easier than using the baby oil and the doing it with the comb! I bought California Baby--and have been very pleased
Agreed...tea tree oil was great for the boys now 18, 20. Try that if the baby oil does not work. I had a hippie kind of pediatrician but she called personally even on holidays..great lady.