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Crappy Cranky Co-workers Can't Quit Complaining


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Yes, an alliterative and obnoxious mouthful of a title for an obnoxious woman whose name happens to complete the alliteration.

I've already posted about my work as a housekeeper, but this thread is less about that and more about co-workers you absolutely cannot deal with.

Today at work, a co-worker, Caroline (No Last Name out of MY super nice-ness), went nuts. Now, she's often regarded as a crazy psycho-woman, but we basically just ignore her. Today, she was convinced our supervisor, and my best friend of 12 years, was stealing her tips. Going into her rooms before her and stealing her tips. Saying that (and I quote, misspelling words for the sake of diction): "SHE HAD NO BIN-ISS GOIN' IN MAH ROOOOM, TAKIN' MAH TIPS... STEALIN' MAH STUFF!!!! She ough-uh get FAHRD! YOU HEAR? FAHRD!!!!!" (Fahrd = fired...)

Woman is crazy. Ashley, the supervisor, is a SUPERvisor. She's trustworthy and has often brought tips back to us if she goes in the room first. We work on an honor system with this, but the housekeepers have gotten to know who's trustworthy. Everyone is... except for Caroline. I've witnessed Caroline taking tips that belong to other people. None of us trust HER. But she's **** positive that "people be stealin' her tips up in hurr."

Now, we don't get a lot of tips in the summer as it is. It's always been that way. In the winter there are always more tips. I think it has something to do with the holidays. But... we get a paycheck every other week. Now... we're underpaid, yeah, but it's still money we're guaranteed. We don't live on tips like waitresses do. So tips are just NICE. They're exciting, and they brighten our day... but we don't NEED those tips.

Caroline went nuts today. Cussing everyone out, talking about Ashley at lunch right in front of her. Talking about how she shouldn't be a supervisor and CAROLINE should be telling HER what to do. How Ashley doesn't know what she's doing and Caroline's a better housekeeper than everyone else there.

Except for she isn't. I'm our top housekeeper. It's not a ****y title I give myself, it's a fact. I have the highest scores (yes... we get scored) and I clean the suites (because they're bigger and more important to our sales department). It's a title I'd actually give a crap about if it meant more money or some other sort of awesome privileges. It doesn't. It just means... I do more work than everyone else for the same pay and even LESS tips. Because those are more expensive rooms... guests don't want to give even MORE money after paying for those rooms. I don't blame them, though.

So... any other horror stories about co-workers like this? The ones that just complain about EVERYTHING? The ones that steal tips or lunches, etc.? The ones that are horribly paranoid for some reason? Think they're better than you and everyone else? I know I can't be the only one with this problem. :banghead:
Probably nothing too unusual, but I once had a co-worker who never brought his own lunch, but just looked around in the refrigerator in the break room, and took whatever lunch looked the best.
I love your impersonation of Caroline......:D
I remember one coworker who was about the worst there ever was. Not because she was cranky, and not because she wasn't willing to do the work, but because she spoke and read next to no English at all. We worked in a restaurant and she was the cleaner. The boss finally managed to convey to her that he wanted the floor of the pass-bar area washed, and wash it she did--with a big jug of raspberry syrup in the wash water. I came in to put in an order and my feet adhered to the floor. "What th--?"

An hour later a customer came out of the washroom and informed us there was "something wrong with the liquid soap in the hand pump dispenser". The boss had sent the cleaner in earlier to fill them. Yep--syrup again. Blueberry, this time. She was given her walking papers. To the day I quit that job I missed that woman.
She probably thought the syrup was raspberry/blueberry scented soap ( "mmm ... this smells so good, that must be the right thing" ). Perhaps a cultural misunderstanding.

Once I worked at a place with a cafeteria nearby where most of us ate during lunch time. This guy was from an African country, very educated person, but still he looked at a food item on my tray with a strange look: The writing on that beverage said: "Butter Milk". In Germany, we have all kinds of flavored butter milk drinks. When I drank it, the coworker almost gagged, and I asked him what was up. He said: "Yuck!! You're drinking BUTTER!!!" -- Then I explained to him how butter milk was a byproduct of butter making, and that it doesn't usually contain any butter (except if it's the butter flake variety).

Another time, I had a friend who was from the Phillipines. He thought that markets were cheaper than supermarkets, and was wondering about the high prices of food. He also felt he was under surveillance from the government, b/c everywhere, he saw orange-colored vehicles with orange lights. I explained to him that those are from the city/town administration and they're always colored orange in Germany. I also told him how to read German license plates. Administration, military and diplomat vehicles not only all have different colors, but they also have different types of license plates by which you can recognize them.
Update on Caroline: She was fired for making the boss's daughter cry, after only offering to help her at the end of our day. Thank jeebus.