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There is a mysterious connection I have with the Crusades.

Not only do I get a feeling of Deja-vous I also have weird reminders throughout my life depicting so.

Now these events have happened at different times of my life (not all right now) but I decided to group it and list it off here:

Walked through the library and top book on a shelf fell down in front of me square on floor and opened to a large illustration/painting of a Crusade.

Searching through a music store and a cassette flings at me when I pull another album out --> The Crusaders.

I make a wrong turn in a museum and end up in a restoration area and held up by construction equipment and have to wait for them to move before leaving....stuck having to view restoration area about Crusade items.

Teacher picks me in history class (not my choice) to give a speech on the Crusades.

Library (different one) again but book hits me in head. About Crusades.

Visited a bar and a young barmaid says I remind her of a Crusader she seen in a dream of hers.

Book on Chemistry at college (in 1988 college days) that is a used textboook has a bookmark and notes about Crusades in it.

Renaissance Fair and I'm pegged sans outfit in audience to portray a Crusader by choice of narrator for a minor skit since they lacked other actors.

All these instances I never told anyone about Crusades or my interest in them but kept these as signs to myself that maybe, just maybe there is something important to the Crusades and me.
:eek: that's pretty awesome - i'm fairly sure that aside from learning about the crusades in history, I've never had any personal "interaction" like this with the idea
All this is quite something. I'm sure its much more than just a coincidence. Good luck with your future findings!
nootch said:
If you haven't seen it already, you should check out the movie I Heart Huckabees. ;)
No, I haven't yet. But after reading plot summary in the link you provided I think I need one of those detectives for this.....

I think I'll see that movie to get idea how to hire one... :nod:
PSI, have you read what Jung says about synchronicity? One of his patients, a young woman, had a dream in which she was given a golden scarab...and as she was relating this dream to Jung...in his office...there was a noise at the window and when Jung opened the window, a golden scarab beetle flew into the room and he caught it in his hand.

In another incident, the wife of another patient told him a story about when both her mother and grandmother were on their death beds, several birds gathered outside the window where they lay dying. This woman's husband (Jung's patient) was being treated for some typoe of neurosis, and Jung detected that he also might have a heart problem, so he sent him to a heart doctor who could find nothing wrong with his heart, but the man collapsed on the way home from the doctor's office...he was taken home where his wife was already a nervous wreck because, according to her, a flock of birds lit on their house as soon as her husband left for the doctor's office that day.

Jung interpreted these meaningful coincidences as archetypes and symbols...the scarab being an ancient (Egyptian...Khepri) symbol of rebirth...the woman was on her third analyst (Jung) and still had not made much progress until the dream and the scarab in the window incident...what Jung referred to as when an "...essential change of attitude signifies a psychic renewal which is usually accompanied by symbols of rebirth in the patient's dreams and fantasies."

What does a Crusader symbolize other than a person who seeks to free the Holy Land from the alledged infidels? Perhaps you have experienced a series of meaningful (or not so meaningful) coincidences wherein an archetype has manifested itself both in physical events and in a state of mind.
That is defiitely interesting, psi! Let us know about any other Crusade moments!
psi: Perhaps you're a reincarnation of a Crusader (or perhaps have other incarnations that are Crusaders, taken that time and space do not exist outside of our daytime physical existence). Also, an important point: You live in the USA right? Billions of (probably Muslim) Arabs think that Americans are Crusaders right here and now. They said Bush was a crusader all the time, and perhaps their thoughts brings up events that manifest in your life also. Your soul wants your attention. Your soul wants you to get informed about the Crusades. Give it a go! :) -- Perhaps you'll find something very enlightening!
Monster said:
psi: Perhaps you're a reincarnation of a Crusader (or perhaps have other incarnations that are Crusaders, taken that time and space do not exist outside of our daytime physical existence). Also, an important point: You live in the USA right?

Yes I live in USA in numerous places. However I have lived overseas and have seen the world many times over. I also have a strong German and Oriental ancestry. I also am part Danish and Irish. My father has the same feelings I do about the Crusaders and I really would go out of my way to see if it is in my ancestry by mapping it out to the actual "Crusades".

I'll let you know.
holy crap man, where have you been? perhaps it's already in another thread..
psi said:
Yes I live in USA in numerous places. However I have lived overseas and have seen the world many times over. I also have a strong German and Oriental ancestry. I also am part Danish and Irish. My father has the same feelings I do about the Crusaders and I really would go out of my way to see if it is in my ancestry by mapping it out to the actual "Crusades".

I'll let you know.

OK. :)

With your ancestry, the symbolism is set. I don't know if you'll find actual connections to the crusade. You might be a crusader in a different incarnation tho, and in this life you've made the setup to remind you of that.

Altho we've sort of overcome these times, the warriors are still within us. I often imagine, when I meet or see people, what they would be doing in different times. Nowadays, we're all bound by work more cumbersome and less inspiring than the things we would've done in different contexts.
I been having A LOT of dreams lately of the crusades since I was last here. In fact its intensity is so strong this last month that it has family worried. So many that it seems reoccuring, like almost like a journal in the mind. I have this strong sensation that I'm a huge part of it even in a historical sense. I decided because of its intense overwhelmness to seek professional advice on the matter. Thought you all would like an update on this issue.
Hey psi, good if you're seeking professional advice (but keep in mind that science always lags behind facts).

Tell us your dreams, perhaps I can give you some advice too, who knows.
Well when I told doctor about the events and occurrences that happened over the years he just told me that I made those happen by placing myself there and that paranormal effect of these shouldn't be considered. I understand there must be a scientific reason for these things but it just seems so overwhelming. The exposure is too much in what I would say a weird coincendence? Does anyone else have this happen to them?

New events: I'm in Music dvds in Best Buy which is on completely other side of store from Documentaries and when pulling out a video out pops next to it which I didn't see title and hits me really really hard is a documentary on Crusades. And a smoking gun which is beyond my control of placing myself there to make it happen, I received a fortune from a chinese cookie that says "You are a great crusader." Hmmm that is in present tense so I'm a crusader now in this time and space.

Thanks Monster, but the dream is a little too graphic and violent. In fact it is so vivid too that I always wake up in a sweat.
But you can tell us the dream anyway, just circumscribe graphic gore and sex, you don't need to mention it explicitly.

I had dreams and/or visions in which I was a warrior myself, I wasn't a crusader, but a warrior in a different time and place (the future, perhaps), or another world. I killed and was killed many times in those dreams.

Be sure to watch that documentary that you noticed.

IMO your inner self keeps creating those events for you for some reason. Our mind and soul are not bound to time and space, we're bound to time and space only in the areas of our presence which partake in this reality. Discovering ourselves is one of our greatest adventures.