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Crying during a movie?


Hanging Out!
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Have you ever cried while watching a movie? What about that movie made you cry?
haha, no. Never have I cried over a movie. My brain has the intelligence to know it's all fake.
I do! Especially if it's about dogs, love stories, and true life stories. I easily get too emotional if the movie relates to me that much. Females are more into it than males for sure, so don't blame me. Lol.
Have you ever cried while watching a movie? What about that movie made you cry?

I do cry in a movie that really touches my heart. It struck me the most when the story is about family. I think the reason I always got teary-eyed is because I am away from my parents and sister. I am living with my husband miles away from them and I always remember them everytime I watched stories that encircles being together.

There was an instance during the time me, my husband and friends were watching a drama movie, and there was a moment that the scene is intensely emotional, I tend to check on others if they are wiping their tears. It is funny to look at, and even funnier because I also was crying.
There are people who cry easily with movies, others are ashamed to show their emotions, especially men, because they think that tears make them weaker. But it is certain that crying watching a film is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it indicates that these people are stronger emotionally.
In reality, there is nothing shameful about crying. Crying is human and simply indicates an emotion, which can be sadness, nostalgia, happiness or anger. In fact, crying during a film is an indication of empathy. And empathic people also tend to be more successful on a social level.
In fact, empathy is one of the paths that leads to resilience. When we are able to understand others, our emotional universe expands. In a sense, these experiences that we experience through others help us to become stronger emotionally and prepare us for when we will have to go through similar moments.
The inability to put ourselves in the shoes of others, is a social disadvantage, while the emotional sensitivity, the ability to understand others and experience their emotions, allows us to broaden our emotional horizon, so we become stronger people.
Yes I’m emotional when I watch movies, but It still depends on the movie and If who’s I watch with. Some of the movies that brought tears to my eyes are Hachiko: a dog’s and a tale of mari and the three puppies. These movies are amazing.
For me, crying in a movie will signify on how strong the person is. Crying means that you are putting yourself in the character's shoes and you empathize with them.
nah. i always laugh at the people who is crying at movies, while they are crying im laughing at them ^^
I am a man and I am not ashamed to say that I have cried once to an Indian movie called Devdas. This movie really touched my heart and made me think twice when I am leaving home without kissing my wife.
I do! Simple words with heartfelt meaning just touches my soul and will probably bring my eyes to water. I actually love those movies that has deep moral lessons with them, they are just very helpful in life.
I don't cry during movies for I know the things they act ain't real in the sense that it is meant to teach us lessons about life. The major thing is to learn those lessons and try as much as we can to put them into practice in our daily activities in life.
Even though i don't wan to cry during a movie, sometimes the scene really hits me hard.
Yes,I cried a lots of times.Just like chopping onions hahahah.I don't know why I cries easily.I feel the characters emotions like I feel them.
Yes, I cried defending on the situation of the characters, but I cried most of the time when the plot of the story is about a child who separated with his mother. Even though it is just a movie, I pity on the child thinking how he can survive without his mother.
Yes, I've cried once, it's a local romantic drama movie. I've cried because I was remembering the past. I was broken hearted that time the movie reminded me lots of memories. I can't help but cry because it brought back memories of my past relationship. I've read some comments here that they don't cry. I'm not used to crying before when watching drama movies, in fact, I hated seeing someone being emotional on the film but when I learned how to fall in love and experienced the heartache I now realized why someone got emotional sometimes.
Very rarely, but yes. The list of movies I've cried over is actually really weird haha. These are the ones I can remember:

Your Name (Kimi no na wa)
Ice Princess
Toy Story 3
The Hunger Games *

It's generally not sad moments for me, just emotional moments/things I really connect with. It's also not blubbering sobs like I see other people do, just the tears haha.

*I may have cried twice during this one
I'm not a cry baby but there are so movies made my cry. You feel those very painful feelings when you watch those kind of movies that can make you try. Jeez, it so disgusting to tell this but it really happens. :D
There are a couple. Mostly ones related to dogs or other animals. Marley and Me is one that comes to mind almost instantly. A Dog's Purpose is another.