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Cube: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes [Hands-On]


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Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Silicon Knights
Genre: Action-Adventure
Players: 1
ESRB: M-Mature
Release: TBA 2003

Konami’s Metal Gear Solid series has long been a gamer’s favorite. From SNES to PlayStation and then from PlayStation 2 now to GameCube and Xbox, Solid Snake has captured the minds and time of videogame addicts seeking a little espionage action that only the MGS legacy has been able to provide again and again. And now, GameCube gets its first taste of Snake in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, an upgrade to the Metal Gear Solid: Shadow Moses for PSone, what easily is still the best game between it and Sons of Liberty for PS2. Hungry for some snake? Sure you are.

Although not a new game in the sense, Twin Snakes is still nothing less than a great game in the making. Silicon Knights (Eternal Darkness) handles the responsibility of upgrading the PSone masterpiece. Thus far, it’s never looked better, as the game even boasts a few improvements over the original installment.


Aside from obvious graphical enhancements, Twin Snakes story is also further elaborated through minor additions to the story, mostly in the sense of small in-game cinematic sequences. Nothing major, but still a nice touch to a game that has all ready been labeled as the best in the series.

Getting back to the graphical goodness, the GameCube version, while looking great, doesn’t yet – and more than likely won’t – feature any additions to character face mapping. In other words, don’t expect to see characters with lively face expressions and things of that nature when talking or going through the game. This isn’t that much of a problem, though, as the story engulfs you alone and the experience far outshines the graphics, which in fact outshine Sons of Liberty.

Character models are smooth looking and there’s no mistaking the differences between it and other games in the series. Environments, on the other hand, do not share the same level of detail as do the characters. Textures to walls and camera placement are virtual indistinguishable when compared to its PSone counterpart. Resolution boosts do clean things up a bit, but not quite enough as you’d expect for a GameCube game and from a distance the only difference you’ll immediately see when actually playing the game is that the GameCube version appears to be a bit smoother. In all, there is still quite a bit of work needed to be accomplished, as Snake is pretty much the game’s shining graphical piece of the game at the moment.


Gameplay takes elements not only from its counterpart, but MGS2 as well. You’re given the ability to drag bodies and shake them for items, ala MGS2. Another improvement is that you’ll be able to cycle through targets via First-Person mode in what appears to be more of a nice auto-aim feature; definitely something extra to look forward to. Controlling snake is also much more comfortable thanks to the differences between the PS2 and GameCube controller.

Famous camera angles are present from MGS2 as well. Watch the camera pan and zoom at appropriate times to give the game that Hollywood movie sensation that we’ve all grown to love so much.

Scheduled for release some time this year, Twin Snakes is the improvement of the original that everyone’s been asking for now for quite some time. If you haven’t played Shadow Moses, this is a must have title. For those that have, this is still a nice improvement that’ll give you yet another reason to go back and play through once again.
looks nice...seems lie another MGS...same stufrf...same style, etc...
i have a friend that loves this game he will like this game
That game is looking sweet. Metal Gear Solid 1 had a great storyline, and IMO, was a much more fun game to play than the second game. Can't wait to get this for my Cube :D