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Deja Vu


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OK, how many of you get deja vu like more than twice a month? I mean, sometimes I'm just sitting there and I'm thinking, "I've never done this or been here before, but somehow I know what's gonna happen next. And I can't explain it." I've done that since I was about six, in primary school I'd be sitting there and suddenly freak out when I got deja vu whilst all the other kids were playing Power Rangers or whatever.

...do any other people get deja vu a lot? Or is it just teenage paranoia? >_>
i get it occasionally, but i attribute it to something triggering a specific memory subconsciously, and that causes me to think the entire scenario has happened before. i've never gone so far as to know what's going to happen next, but i always see something happen and say "i think i knew that was going to happen!"
I had deja vu once, and then I had it again!

Talk about freaky.
I had it today, when I clicked on the dssalien and ttx link - WOW Everytime I check out that forum I get more deja vu.

seriously, I agree with MJ, although entirely too much coincidence in the world these days.
I had deja vu once, and then I had it again!

Talk about freaky.
I'm not sure about it myself, maybe Mj is right. But it happens to me as well.

Did you ever hear George Carlin talk about it? Pretty da*n funny. He calls it "Vuja De" :lol:
I've had this many many times.. It's really scary, sometimes it's really specific... Like I remember the conversation, and the place I had it was exactly the same like with things in the room placed a certain way they never would have been otherwise...

Difficult for me to explain, but been there done that. :tongue:
I get Deja Vu ALL the time. It really bugs me out. I don't know how it happens. I just know what's going to happen. I trace it back all the way to when i was about 8 years old, I used to set up army men and pretend to fire weapons at them buy flicking rubber bands, and I knew the exact order in which they fell down. Scary.

Ps: Yes, I was one weird child.
I get Deja Vu alot as well. I actually know exactly what your talking about. there are times where i swear i can tell the future. i hope its esp. we should get tested. heh.
I get deja vu occasionally, and I like it. It's so psychedelic...
Me too -- I get "deja vus" really often, altho I don't like the term, because it's not about seeing, for me it's about living thru situations that I've had dreams about earlier. I have a **** good memory as a computer programmer, and so I can still remember many of my lucid dreams. Sometimes, in the dreams, there were no persons, just their emotions present, and sometimes there were substitutes that reminded me of people in my daytime life, but yeah, that's why I believe time is not linear, and that time and space don't exist outside of our daytime bodies. I think that our consciousness is much bigger than what is in our body, if it is in there at all. So when we sleep, I think, we detach from our body to some extent and sense the true freedom of our full, true mind.

Voice "hearing" (perception) and things like that are just regular ESP phenomena to me, that's why some so-called "normal" people don't seem to like me much. My voices told me about my new job that I got in February all the time during all of last year, and they were saying "in February, in February", and indeed, I did not find a job until February this year, no matter what effort I put into my job search, and then I had all those flashbacks from dreams that I had about 20 years ago. Interestingly, the voices bring up stuff from school at that time, and hence I think that those time periods influence each other somehow. So I believe even more that time and space are nonexistent for my consciousness.

I think if all people would realize the true nature of their mind they would see life from a different point of view. Because it somehow puts our daytime lives into perspective. We aren't just creatures or bio-automatons doomed upon birth to sure death and annihilation, as contemporary Western science likes to make us believe. I think our mind is ever-present, "before" our birth and "after" our death, i.e. the birth and death of the vessels that are our bodies for daytime experience in our incarnations.
I get it way too often for my comfort. I dont necessarily know what is going to happen next, but i'll feel like a whole conversation has already happened, and as the scene progresses im like, yeah, i remember that. I wonder what the scientific explanation of it is?- aside from it being a disturbance in the matrix
I got it at work today. it was wierd. i was weed eating by the side of a road, and my weed eater got tangled, so i had to untangle it... it seems like i've done it before at the exact same spot at the exact same time. Maybe cause i had to fix that thing too many times in the past 2 days :rolleyes: . But yeah... I think it's something in the subconscious... you do something one day, then you do something very similar another day, but not quite the same... your brain tells you that both times were exactly the same or whatever... it's wierd, and i just confused myself so i'm gonna shut up now. :eek:ddgrin:

I think most people who have deja vu and cannot make a connection to a previous dream just cannot remember that dream consciously.

In the meantime, while some scientists still cling to the Newtonian view of the clockwork universe, some others have adopted a 12-dimensional model of the universe, which seems to be more appropriate for some research.

I find it amusing that Western scientists observe only the physical aspects of our existence, and neglect the non-physical. Research of the non-physical would be much more successful if it wouldn't be limited to physical observations.

From my personal experience, I can only say that our brain is more like the antenna to our consciousness, but it is not our consciousness.

Explain the complex behaviour of small insects, like ants or bees, for example, by using only a physical model of the universe. You might find that they do not contain enough brain cells to control their behaviour. You may further find that many aspects of a mind are not contained in the brain at all.

AFAIK the brain only serves the purpose to control the body, store contextual information related to the physical world, and keep contact with the consciousness.
yep, i get this a lot. just plain weird. i can't explain it. i had a conversation or had been in a certain "setting," if you will, and then the same scenario repeats itself months, or even days or hours later. one could go nuts thinking about it.