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Democrats are starting to feed on themselves


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As foretold by prophesy, the Democrats have started to feed on their own. Since Kerry's :icon_salu defeat, there have been allegations of how the Democrats have failed their constituents. It has been said on talk-radio, that by not immediately launching a legal battle recount, they have somehow let down the people.

So let me get this straight. Since the DNC is not demanding a recount, the people (democrats) are being betrayed? So there has to be a legal battle for it to be a legitimate election?

Bash Politics - Democrats feeding on their own

I dunno - maybe it's just me being dense. :confused: I don't undertand this possible legal battle undertaking. I'm no Kerry fan, but I give credit where it's due, and Mr. Kerry (in MY mind) used great considerate thought and decency in NOT pursing legal action in this election. I don't think the Democrats failed their constituents at all; both sides waged well. I'm disheartened in general by the defensive, aggressive and hostile attitude of most Democrats that I have either heard speak on TV, read about or most importantly had personal contact with (having been very active in our local State Representative election, as well as national). What the hell are you so mad about? I've said this before and I'll say it AGAIN - One Nation Under God!! We're all Americans!!!!!:wave: Pull yourselves together before this split in out country is taken advantage of again. If Mr. Kerry had won, would you still be so hostile and abrasive? What does THAT prove?
I will be honest, if the Democrate party had a better canadite that was running I would be almost sure that person would have won. Some that stuck to his guns would have been better. I didnt see that from Kerry so I voted Bush because of that. We have one person that is screwing things up at least he has time to fix some of his mistakes, If Hillary would have ran she would have done better than Kerry.

The democrats are kidding themselves with Hillary. They thought they could win with an extreme left-wing (on nearly EVERY topic; contrast this with Clinton, a virtual moderate) well reputed senator, and no dice. ANY thought that they could do the same thing with a FEMALE candidate is obsurd. Hillary versus any republican candidate is a landslide. I realize that its sexist, but think about all the old folks who will just never vote for a woman in the white house. Sorry, but them's the breaks. The only chance Hillary is going to have against a male republican candidate will be on the shoulders of Bush Junior. He would have to screw things up even worse (much worse) than they are now.

I have to agree with taylort232. The Democrats are purported to have high expectations of Hilary in 2008; the reality is that this country is just not ready to accept a female in the President's seat. I don't think for one minute that she would have or could have done a better job than Kerry. There is a theory (I have no idea as to its' origins) that the Democratic party didn't WANT Kerry to win because they are grooming Mrs. C. for the White House. If Kerry were to have won this election, then Hilary would have to vie for the nomination from the party. Talk about consipracy theories; this one sounds a bit much, even for me!:laughing7 (I LOVE a good spell binder!) I can see her being chosen as a Vice Presidential running mate in '08 and taking her chances from there, but that's about it.
From what I got from this election all year before they Picked Kerry was, they are digging. They didnt know what they wanted. Edward alone could have done better, but then again I live in a democratic state and this place sucks for politics, but thats a different topic. Kerry had a I cant stick to my guns on anything policy. That is why I didnt vote for that jackass, so I voted for Bush, at least I know that jackass is still in office and not much has checked yet.
Bash Politics - Democrats feeding on their own

I still subscribe to the thought that the Democrats are waiting for Hilary to ripen for the picking in '08. That's scary.
hillery has the best chance than kerry in 2008, that is for **** sure!!!! she wont sit still for the kind of bs the republicans pulled this year like the intimidation tactics and the hate mongerring:mad:
Bash Politics/Democrats

Not to further infuriate you, Demokrat, but you're sounding mighty hateful, yourself. In fact, that's ALL I've ever read from you. We're just a bunch of "bashers" not out to neccessarily piss each other off. The election's over, FELLOW AMERICAN - let's move forward. Calm down - have a drink or something.
how can you see calm down????? you dont see the danger ahead for OUR COUNTRY???!?!?!!? dont be condescending to me when i see the same guy steal the same presidency twice all it is for him is power and the good of the nation is not part of his equation we are still getting kicked in falluja and he sits on his stolen thrown laughing at the people that voted for him
Bash Politics - Democrats feeding on their own

I heard a part of the evening news cast today where the discussion was the "stealing of the Presidency". It seems there are a fair number of people out there who firmly BELIEVE that Bush stole the election. Mr. Kerry obviuosly didn't think so, or he would have excersized his right to contest. I see plenty of dangers for our country; my most horrific perceived danger is the split in this country that just may be taken advantage of. I don't want to be attacked again, DO YOU? Attention needs to put toward National Security and a melding of the parties instead of some idiot who spreads crap throughout the internet (the newscast purported that the "stealing of the Presidency rumor" is being passed like a plague throughout the internet, scaring the crap out of people and getting every one up in arms). Seems a little "Michael Moore-ish" to me.

I don't believe I wrote to you in a condescending manner, and I apologize if I have insulted you. You REALLY think the Presidency was stolen, and that one little guy did it all by himself? IF there was anything unsavory about this election, you may blame the PARTY - just as the OTHER PARTY is grooming the former First Lady. Tell you what - if she does run in '08 I'll most likely vote against her (unless she comes up with something good...). If she WINS that election, I'll stand behind her as my President.

The tone taken by mrsd is hardly condascending, especially when compared with yours. Lighten up, it isn't his fault your buddy lost the election. Shouting hate, spew and pointing fingers isn't going to get you anywhere.

Wasn't the spread (like 47% 51%) one of the biggest in decades? I mean, if Bush won the popular vote, but lost the electoral, THAT WOULD BE INSANE! That isn't right! The people chose Bush! He would be a cheater! ::flashback::
msd---that was so condecending to me to tell me to go and drink myself into not caring i guess it is an ok thing to use alcohol to solve your problems but not me thank you very much
Nova is right - close the thread. Demokrat - maybe "having A drink" wasn't what I should have suggested. Anger management is more appropriate. End of discussion, thank you.
The thread is not closed, it was closed in the BASH forum, and moved to the Repartee Forum for debate. Debate away. :D
Gee - thanks, Nova. I think I'm all debated out for now. Some would call me a coward, maybe - I'd like to refer to it as "time management"!:laughing1
Balanced Government with checks and Balance

OK here is a fresh idea, lets get everything so republican that the balance of power is no longer there. Wake up ppl, Our forefathers died for this balance, and now we as a country have allowed it to become unbalanced. With a majority of House, Senate, and President, there is absolutly no checks and balance in our government. In the next 2 years you better hope voters educate themselves on the issues and not the retoric pumped out by career publicity manages. We need Democrates to hold one majority to keep the other arms of government balanced, otherwise we run the risk of total dictatorship. Now this may sound extreem but think about the large corporations that own a president and the other ppl elected. If they want any laws passed they now have 2 years to fleece america and who gave them the permission? You did cause I vote all Democrate, not for the man but for balance. Educate yourself on the national debt and you may see what I am talking about. We have a republican President that spends like a democrat....:laughing6
Ummm, well, let the Democrats support candidates that represent the views of those they are being elected to represent. I will not vote for someone just to "keep balance". Shame on the Democrats for putting forward people to far to the left of the main stream. They have no one to blame but themselves.