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Democrats are starting to feed on themselves

Vote for a certain party to "keep the balance"?? What's THAT all about? The elections go the way they do because people exercise their right to vote. The right the authors of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution sacrificed themselves for. Some vote their conscience, some go strictly by party. The messasge is here is that we're NOT a part of a modern day "Soilent Green" remake! You can't just "balance" things to keep everyone happy. Our forefathers died for freedom, independence, RIGHTS and to make a better lives for those who would go before them (I'm getting all teary eyed now...:icon_puke )! What balance? The next time the Democrats hold the majority, and they will at some point, I'm going to start screaming about balance and see how many people fall over laughing at me. There is a nationwide call for educated voters, yet some vote strictly either Democrat or Republican (see - I put the Democrats first!:laughing7 ) just because it's either the party they're registered with or know nothing else.