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Legend Of The Universe
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Okay so the world and its people have finally driven you over the edge and you decide to pack up and leave it all behind maybe forever maybe just for an open ended vacation. So what things would you take with you to pass the time and try to entertain yourself, perhaps even remind you of what you liked about your life before? No basic supplies need to be listed these should be more along the lines of pleasure, comfort or entertainment items. But you cannot take everything you own or go out an buy something for the trip and you'll have no computer or broadcast tv or radio reception.

Here are a few categories to get you started:

Collected works of one band/artist:
One album by a different band/artist:
One song by a different band/artist:
One method of playing them (ie:records, portable cd player, ipod...):

Complete works of one author:
One fiction book:
One nonfiction book:
One complete comic series:
One Graphic Novel/Trade Paperback:
One complete magazine run:

Complete works of one filmmaker or actor:
One feature film:
One complete television series:
One miscellaneous DVD or DVD set:
One video game system:
Three video games:

Supply of what beverage over all others:
Supplies to make one specific meal multiple times:
One keepsake or decoration:
One photo or photo album:
One piece of athletic equipment:
Something specific not mentioned:
I would take the following:

The clothes on my back,
One Gerber Multitool (of the 3 that I own)
My Gerber Camp Hatchet
Camping Flint
Miyamoto Musashi's "Book of Five Rings"

If I get to the point where I want to get away from the world I will want to get away from all the things on your list with it.

OK so I'm weird.......
i dunno about music but...

books: anything by dan brown

TV: CSI: NY and Vegas

Game system and games: dynasty warriors, PS2

Beverage: cold horchata

Meal: Lasagna
If I can't have my computer and cable tv I ain't going no where.
I kind of agree with Redneck on this one. Give me my survival necessities and ample writing materials, and I can fabricate whatever else I need (such as a still):p .
I'll play:

Collected works of one band/artist: The Beatles
One album by a different band/artist: Who's Next
One song by a different band/artist: Layla
One method of playing them (ie:records, portable cd player, ipod...): CD Player

Complete works of one author: I'd say shakespeare, but he makes my head hurt sometimes. So I'll say Kurt Vonnegut
One fiction book: Catch-22
One nonfiction book: "how to survive on a desert island" :p
One complete comic series: Archie & Veronica
One Graphic Novel/Trade Paperback: I don't know of any.
One complete magazine run: Either Penthouse, Sports Illustrated or Time

Complete works of one filmmaker or actor: Tom Hanks
One feature film: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
One complete television series: Seinfeld
One miscellaneous DVD or DVD set: The Star Wars six pack (but I'd use the first three as coasters)
One video game system: Nintendo Wii
Three video games: No idea

Supply of what beverage over all others: Beer -- either Samuel Adams or Bass Ale.
Supplies to make one specific meal multiple times: pizza
One keepsake or decoration: my Tom Seaver autographed baseball
One photo or photo album: my daughter's bat mitzvah album
One piece of athletic equipment: golf clubs, but only if I have an unlimites supply of balls. Otherwise, a football.
Something specific not mentioned: Jennifer Aniston. Come to think of it, if I have Jennifer, that's enough for me.
Collected works of one band/artist: Chris Cornell
One album by a different band/artist: In Loving Memory Of by Big Wreck
One song by a different band/artist: Message In A Bottle by The Police ^_^
One method of playing them (ie:records, portable cd player, ipod...): my Batman cd player

Complete works of one author: Jeph Loeb
One fiction book: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep by Philip K ****
One nonfiction book: a cookbook
One complete comic series: Deadpool
One Graphic Novel/Trade Paperback: The Crow by James O'Barr
One complete magazine run: probably playboy

Complete works of one filmmaker or actor: Jessica Alba :unsure:
One feature film: The Crow
One complete television series: Seinfeld
One miscellaneous DVD or DVD set: The Wrestlemania box set
One video game system: PS2
Three video games: Marvel Ultimate Alliance and the latest NCAA football and basketball games

Supply of what beverage over all others: Mountain Dew
Supplies to make one specific meal multiple times: sammich stuff
One keepsake or decoration: something Clemson I'm sure
One photo or photo album: I only have one very large album one so I'd take it
One piece of athletic equipment: a football
Something specific not mentioned: a notebook and pen