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Diablo II Beta Stress Test

Oh you b*tch
I'l get ya for that.
So did you, or anyone else for that matter, get a chance to see the game at all? I've only been able to play at work (told ya I'd get you back).
When you are PKed, what stuff do you lose? I'm not too sure about what you said by 'you still only drop an ear for PK'ing'. Huh? Who does? You, the victim, or him, the PK?
Finally got some playing time in.
Are there seriously only 2 quests in the demo?!?
I killed Dark Raven (Blood Raven, whatever), and now when I go back to town and speak to the "magic" lady, it gives me the "End of Demo" option.

I could've finished this whole thing in less than 30 minutes of game time. On top of that, I've been unable to access BetaUSEast since Friday. I really dislike the fact that I can only use a character created on a server ONLY on that server.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
Sorry Dan, thought I had mentioned that. Yeah, only two quests and once you finish it, you're done. I'm mostly fiddling around with gems and the interface now to see how things stack up. Also checking out skills. I thought there was only one. Imagine my chagrin when I found out there were five.
As for your question FetusMan, it is you, the victim, that drops an ear. It's a trophy of sorts for the PK. It's been that way since Diablo 1. As for other stuff you drop, well, you drop your corpse. But upon perusing the readme, it says that only you or people you give permission to can loot your corpse. If you happen to time out, then your corpse will appear in town in your next game. Kinda gruesome, having a corpse following you from game to game. I saw this once and I couldn't click on the corpse. A rather nice feature, especially since when you loot your corpse, you automatically put on whatever you were wearing. If you would like, I could e-mail you the readme. I don't think there's anything too confidential in there.
Hmm, you ask a tough question FetusMan. I can't lie to you. The PK situation still sucks. This time, you can't PK until you are level 9. I had one chasing me down last night, so I ran like the little girl I am. I just didn't want to duel him, especially since he had a frost blade. So I go bolting past some other guy, and the guy that had been chasing me stops to play with him. Since the poor recipient of his ministrations was in my party, I came back and proceeded to thrash the PK with the other guy's help. The guy ran away in short order.
There's my experience with a PK. Yeah, not too thrilling, but that's a fact of life. If you're going to go online, group with another guy that's equivalent level that you know. This game really encourages grouping. On a good note, you still only drop an ear for PK'ing. I guess what it all boils down to is, yes, PK'ing is still a concern, but only after level 9.
PK? What the heck is PK? Oh yeah! I remember now! Player killing or player killers! I haven't seen that word used in three years since I left the realm of Diablo on the net. My advice for PK's is to kill them before they can kill you. I hacked my way to a super multiplayer character so I wouldn't get killed by player killers. Those ****s didn't dare touch me! Ha ha ha...
That's good to hear (the loot situation). I played legit all the time, and then some PK would kill me and take my stuff.

What about the max players per game?
Max players is set by the person who creates the game. I've seen games with as many as 8 players.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
Is the norm 4? I really hated having the limit at 4.
4 is the default, but since you can set up parties and hire mercenaries, the fact that you can set it higher makes space for some pretty cool parties.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."