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Diablo II

dang you guys i started playing it too just yeserday and i had a 14 level necromancer :tongue: but im not that far.
soon to be on battle.net
I have a level 86 necro on battle.net, and currently working on an *almost* level 81 sorc.

The necro build I put together is, by FAR, the easiest path through the game, as he can now do Baal and Diablo runs on Hell with no problems.

The sorc is great for MF runs, but I'm having a hard time defeating the Ancients solo with her.

red barron> If you want any tips on setting up a good build, let me know. Best to do it right from the start, so you don't waste skill points.
compaired to you i should just quit now
or go to battle.net

*btw:eek:n battle.net if you level up does it count in the story mode?*
red barron said:
*btw:eek:n battle.net if you level up does it count in the story mode?*

No, characters are not shared between battle.net and single player.
IOW, you will not be able to use your existing character online. You'll have to start a new one.
Yep, still playing.
Decided to start a new "refined" necro build. In about 5 days, I got him up to level 68.
The build itself is simple. It's the same as I've detailed above, with some refinements.

The primary difference is equipment. With the equipment I've acquired for my new necro, it allows me to save critical skills points and allocate them more usefully.
Most significant is my uncovering the Marrowalk bug, which is huge. With a pair of Marrowalk boots, and no points allocated to Bone Prison, the boots grant you level 33 Bone Prison with 13 charges. However, while you have the level 33 Bone Prison from the boots, you're gaining the synergy bonuses to all of the Bone skills.

With 1 skill point assigned to Bone Shield, plus my +skills items, plus the Marrowalk bug, my Bone Shield now absorbs 570 damage.
My Bone Spirit, with only 1 skill point assigned, does over 700 damage per hit.

This necro is WAY stronger than my original one. Definitely one of the best builds I've ever seen.
The Necro is a beast. So much so that he's no longer that much fun to play. He can cakewalk through everything, and now that I've gotten his resists up to decent levels (especially lightning resist), even gloams are no trouble for him.

By far, the best tank build I've seen... he can just mow through things, possibly even better than a good barbarian build.

I started a new sorc to try to refine the previous attempt, since she was having too much trouble in Hell difficulty.
The new one is still building up, but I've decided to focus on maxing out the 3 main spells in each skill tree, rather than max out 2 plus masteries. Instead of maxing out the damage of Frozen Orb and Meteor by maxxing out Fire Mastery and Cold Mastery, I'm putting many of the points from the masteries into maxxing out Lightning Storm as well, so even when I run into Fire/Cold immune monsters, I'm still able to do decent amounts of damage.

So far, the stragety is working better than previously, although she's still pretty susceptible to gloam's lightning attacks. I'm trying to remedy that with charms and decent resist equipment, but otherwise, she's actually pretty strong.
I find the sorc is best for Magic Find, as she's got some really good equipment with pieces of the Tal Rasha's set, and a Blade Of Ali Baba with some socketed Ist runes. Her current MF is up in the 350-400 range, and just running her through Hell difficulty will usually net some decent unique and set items.

I'm always looking for some good characters to party with, so if you're interested in playing, let me know and we'll start a nightly quest run. Between the spare equipment I have, and having me along to rush a new character through the Normal and Nightmare quests, I can usually help to get a new character into Hell within an hour or two.

It'd be easy to create an Aliensoup game. Just let me know if there's any interest.
Got bored, so I decided to try a Barbarian build for the first time.
My sorc managed to find almost all of the Immortal King set, except for the armor. A friend of mine traded me some stuff, including the armor, for a Vex rune I had.

So, I built a barb designed to make maximum use of the IK set. Up to lvl 53, and mowing down things pretty well. Still not high enough level yet to use the full set (need to be 76 to use the armor and maul), but so far so good.

Basic build guidelines:
Put 187 stat points into strength. Combined with other IK items, they'll boost you high enough to use the armor and maul.
Put all other stat points into Vitality.

Max out Whirlwind first, then Battle Orders, then Mace Mastery, then finally, Shout. If you save your points, you should be able to max out WW by lvl 51 or so. Other points should go into pre-requisites for those skills, with any leftover into Iron Skin.

So far, the only thing that's killed me is an Oblivion Knight casting Iron Maiden on me. That'll do in almost any melee character. Twice on the same level, I got hit with that just as I was about to attack, and the 1 hit killed me. Otherwise, nothing has come close. Even the exploding Stygian Dolls in Act 3 aren't much of a problem. I can easily withstand 4-5 of them exploding next to me before I have to grab a potion to boost myself back up. Plenty of time to recover.

If you can get your hands on most of the IK set, I highly recommend this build. Fun to play if you like doing melee characters.
I would have to say I played a lot back when I was out of work. I forget what level my character was at. I really havent sat down to play in over 6months. I think my D2 career is out of the window. Sucks though, I finally found some other people who enjoy playing. Oh well, maybe Ill have more time this summer.
Any time you want to fire it up, feel free to let me know. 2 players is always better than one.

And in the case of D2, more is always better. The game becomes more of a challenge, you're likely to find better items to use, and you can share equipment to help the other players out with what they need.
Hey! haven't been on the forums for a while... long while... but anyways, since school let out, i've been playing D2 a lot more. sadly, my lvl 73 sorc got expired (one day sooner and she would still be with us!) she had lots of cool items :(....
in any case! PM me or email me (if it's in my profile... which i think it is... but maybe it's not), if you want to play together sometime. I'm not great, but i love playing.
I'm still playing nightly. My sorc finished the Tal Rasha set, so she's pretty mean. I'm considering starting a new build, now that I have the equipment for the sorc, so I can base all of the skill and stat points off of that.

I started a new necro about 2 weeks ago who's now up to about lvl 75. Currently in hell Act 2, and he's a viable hardcore character, since he's played every minute with another player in the game, and hasn't died yet.

I would recommend getting Xfire. It's an IM client for gamers that lets people on your friends list know what game you're currently in. It'll make it easier for you to find people in-game, and know when they're playing so you can join in. ;)
Info for you D2 players out there...

The 1.11 patch is out, with new runewords and some minor rebalancing of classes.
The ladder has also been reset on all realms, so if you're interested in getting a good ladder character started, now's the time. ;)